Bills are arranged alphabetically by popular title or subject—so they're easy to find. Bill numbers are provided to facilitate research in THOMAS. |
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Popular Titles and Subjects |
Bonus tax bill, impose 90% tax on TARP bonuses | | H.R.1586 |
Cap and trade | | H.R.2454 |
Cash for clunkers | H.R.2346 | Title XIII, P.L.111-32 |
Cash for clunkers, supplemental appropriations | H.R.3435 | P.L.111-47 |
Congressional pay raise, eliminate automatic adjustment | S.620 | |
Congressional pay raise, none for 2010 | H.R.1105 | Div. J, P.L.111-8 |
Credit card regulations, tighten | H.R.627 | P.L.111-24 |
D.C. House voting rights | S.160 | H.R.157 |
Digital TV, delay transition until June 12 | S.352 | P.L.111-4 |
Economic Stimulus | H.R.1 | P.L.111-5 |
Employment discrimination, prohibit based on sexual orientation or gender identity | S.1584 | H.R.3017 |
Executive compensation, expand regulatory oversight | | H.R.3269 |
Greenhouse gases, establish cap | SEE: Cap and trade |
Health care reform | | H.R.3200 |
Lands bill, omnibus | H.R.146 | P.L.111-11 |
Media shield law | | H.R.985 |
Mortgages, allow bankruptcy judges to modify terms | S.896 | P.L.111-22 |
National service, expand programs | H.R.1388 | P.L.111-13 |
Parental leave, four weeks paid for federal employees | S.354 | H.R.626 |
REAL ID Act, modify provisions | S.1261 | |
(SEE: Program Authorizations)
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Slavery, apology for | S.Con.Res.26 | |
Tobacco, give FDA the authority to regulate | H.R.1256 | P.L.111-31 |
Unemployment benefits, extend | S.1647 | H.R.3404 |
Appropriations and Budget for Fiscal Year 2010, 111th Congress, 1st Session
More information available on the appropriations web page. |
Agriculture | S.1406 | H.R.2997 |
Budget Resolution, FY 2010 | S.Con.Res.13 | H.Con.Res.85 |
Commerce, Justice, Science | | H.R.2847 |
Defense | | H.R.3326 |
Energy and Water | S.1436 | H.R.3183 |
Financial Services, General Government | S.1432 | H.R.3170 |
FY 2009 Omnibus | H.R.1105 | P.L.111-8 |
FY 2009 Continuing appropriations (through March 11, 2009) | H.J.Res.38 | P.L.111-6 |
FY 2009 Supplemental | H.R.2346 | P.L.111-32 |
Homeland Security | S.1298 | H.R.2892 |
Interior | | H.R.2996 |
Labor, HHS, Education | | H.R.3293 |
Legislative Branch | S.1294 | H.R.2918 |
Military Construction and Veterans Affairs | S.1407 | H.R.3082 |
State and Foreign Operations | S.1434 | H.R.3081 |
Transportation, HUD | | H.R.3288 |
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Public Laws,
111th Congress (selected)
Cash for clunkers | H.R.2346 | Title XIII, P.L.111-32 |
Cash for clunkers, supplemental appropriations | H.R.3435 | P.L.111-47 |
Congressional pay raise, none for 2010 | H.R.1105 | Div. J, P.L.111-8 |
Credit card regulations, tighten | H.R.627 | P.L.111-24 |
Digital TV, delay transition until June 12 | S.352 | P.L.111-4 |
Economic Stimulus | H.R.1 | P.L.111-5 |
Lands bill, omnibus | H.R.146 | P.L.111-11 |
Mortgages, allow bankruptcy judges to modify terms | S.896 | P.L.111-22 |
National service, expand programs | H.R.1388 | P.L.111-13 |
Tobacco, give FDA the authority to regulate | H.R.1256 | P.L.111-31 |
Public laws are in red | *Many bills exist, but this bill is currently receiving legislative attention. |
Bills in ITALICS received attention in the last week or may receive floor action this week. | BOLD bill numbers indicate advanced legislative action. |
Bills that did not pass have been struck through. | V indicates a veto. |
S.A.= Senate Amendment. | H.A.= House Amendment. |
Key to Legislative Citations | Return to top of page |
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