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Deputy Secretary of State

The Deputy Secretary James B. Steinberg, serves as the principal deputy, adviser, and alter ego to the Secretary of State; serves as Acting Secretary of State in the Secretary's absence; and assists the Secretary in the formulation and conduct of U.S. foreign policy and in giving general supervision and direction to all elements of the Department. Specific duties and supervisory responsibilities have varied over time.

Sudan: Forum for Support of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement
Date: 06/23/2009 Description: Remarks by Deputy Secretary Steinberg at the Forum for Support of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) for Sudan at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Washington, DC. © State Dept Image from Video
Deputy Secretary Steinberg (June 23):
"[It has] been 4 years since the signing of this historic accord. As we celebrate that achievement, we also can never let the recent peace allow us to erase the memory of the millions who were killed in the conflict.... [A]s we develop our overall approach to Sudan, we recognize that just as we’re committed to the implementation of the CPA, too, we strengthen our determination and resolve to work with all the parties together to try to see a resolution of the situation in Darfur as well. Full Text | Video | Special Envoy Gration's remarks

U.S.-Georgia Strategic Partnership
Date: 06/22/2009 Description: Joint press availability with Deputy Secretary James Steinberg and Georgia Foreign Minister Gregory Vashadze. © State Dept Image from VideoDeputy Secretary Steinberg (June 22): "The most important feature of this visit is the opportunity that we’ve had to launch the U.S.-Georgia committee on our strategic partnership which opens a new chapter of our longstanding and deep friendship between our two countries. And today, we’ve had working groups addressing the real breadth of our relationship, including working groups on the economy, defense and security, democracy, and people-to-people exchanges. And these meetings underscore the commitment that we have to implementing the important agreement – our charter with Georgia, as we deepen this strategic partnership. " Full Text | Video

5th Community of Democracies Ministerial
Deputy Secretary Steinberg's July 12th remarks in Lisbon, Portugal.

Signing Ceremony of Visa Waiver Program Documents With Greece
Date: 06/28/2009 Description: Deputy Secretary Steinberg and Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs Dora Bakoyannis at the Signing Ceremony of Visa Waiver Program Documents in Corfu, Greece.  © State Dept ImageDeputy Secretary Steinberg (July 28): "[T]hese agreements that we’ve reached today are helping pave the way for a very important milestone in our relationship, which is the completion of the Visa Waiver Program. ...I am very encouraged by the progress that we’ve made and it’s our expectation that before the year is out that we’ll be able to complete that, which has a very tangible benefit for our citizens.So thank you once again for your gracious hospitality. " Full Text

Seeking Unified Response to North Korea's Nuclear Test
Date: 06/03/2009 Description: Deputy Secretary of State James B. Steinberg with Republic of Korea Ministry of Foreign of Affairs and Trade Vice-Minister Kwon Jong. © AP ImageDeputy Secretary Steinberg: 
"I think we have a common view that we need to take steps to make clear to the North that the path it is on is the wrong one, but that we are prepared, if they are prepared to change course to enter an effective dialogue that will really lead to the complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Peninsula." Full Text | Video | Travel to Asia