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La Depresión Durante y Después del Embarazo: Un Informe Para Mujeres, Sus Familias y Amigas. Depression During and After Pregnancy: A Resource for Women, Their Families, and Friends

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This booklet provides information on depression during or after pregnancy, addressing a broad range of physical and emotional struggles faced by pregnant and postpartum women and their families. It focuses on the possible causes of perinatal depression; the differences between “baby blues”, perinatal depression, and postpartum psychosis; and how to identify perinatal depression, what to do, and how it can affect your baby and your family. The booklet includes resources on where to get help and advice for fathers, families, and friends.

Este folleto proporciona información sobre una amplia gama de luchas emocionales y físicas que enfrenta la mujer y su familia durante el embarazo y el post parto. Se enfoca en las posibles causas de depresión perinatal; las diferencias entre depresión postparto y psicosis del postparto; y cómo identificar la depresión perinatal, que hacer, y cómo puede afectar al bebé y la familia. El folleto incluye recursos adicionales donde encontrar ayuda y consejería para padres, familiares y amigos.

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Inventory Code: MCH00274
Year: 2008
Language: Spanish
Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Length: 21
Audience: Consumers
Publication Type: Booklet
Related Publications: Bright Futures: A Young Woman's Guide to Emotional Wellness
Depression During and After Pregnancy: A Resource for Women, Their Families, and Friends


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