WPC/ 2MB'RK Z3|X #C\  P6QsP#ю6G;XP"i~'^:DPddDDDdp4D48dddddddddd88pppX|pDL|pp||D8D\dDXdXdXDdd88d8ddddDL8ddddX`(`lD4l\DDD4DDDDDDdDd8XXXXXX|X|X|X|XD8D8D8D8ddddddddddXdbdddpdXXXXXlX~|X|X|X|XdddldldD8DdDDDdplld|8|P|D|D|8dvddddDDDpLpLpLpl|T|8|\ddddddl|X|X|Xd|DdpL|Dd~4ddC$CWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNHxxH\dDXddddd8@d<@d<DDXXdDDxddxHxxHvppDXd<"dxtldpxxdHP4P; Rm. 650H; LPT1 LocalHPLAS4P.PRS4Xj\  P6G;\ LDXP2% |xTimes New RomanTimes New Roman Boldial (TT)C\  P6QPa\  P[AP#J2PQP2Z'\K=#C\  P6QP# FCC Notice of Intend Darrol L. JeffersDarrol L. Jeffersrevision, 2nd major  "i~'^09CSS999S]+9+/SSSSSSSSSS//]]]Ixnnxg]xx9?xgxx]xn]gxxxxg9/9MS9ISISI9SS//S/SSSS9?/SSxSSIP!PZ9+ZM999+999999S9S/xIxIxIxIxIlnIgIgIgIgI9/9/9/9/xSxSxSxSxSxSxSxSxSxSxIxSxRxSxSxS]SxIxIxInInInZnIxigIgIgIgIxSxSxSxZxSxZxS9/9S999Su]ZZxSg/gCg9g9g/xSbxSxSxSxSxn9n9n9]?]?]?]ZgFg/gMxSxSxSxSxSxSxxZgIgIgIxSg9xS]?g9xSi+SS88WuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxN/>/>/>/x]SSSSx]x]x]x]xSxSx]SSxSxSf]xSxSxSxIxIxWxIx{nInInInISSSWS]a?/?]?9?]]WW]n/nKn9nCn/x]xx]x]SSxxIxIxI]?]?]?]WnUn9nax]x]x]x]x]x]xxWnInInIx]n9x]]?n9xSz+SS8-8WuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxN@C`EGJhLNQpSU XxZ\(_%    |n8N Digital Broadcasting OVS  aE#C\  P6Q]P#     at4#C\  P6QP#      a 49I%2/%1/5 $8:$9 0        |8NU #C\  P6Q_P#NOTICE OF INTENT    TO ESTABLISH AN   |8N OPEN VIDEO SYSTEM#C\  P6QP#                j'A #C\  P6Q  P#DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVS# C\  P6QP#  X('ad#C\  P6QsP#520 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 2852688 F(714) 2852696 $]Email: DigitalOVS@AOL.COM   aC+4#C\  P6QP#  XM,'J#C\  P6QߊXP#Digital Broadcasting OVS"M,x-x-x-,"Ԍ #C\  P6QP#Table of Contents#C\  P6QP#  1. FCC Filing Of Notice Of Intent #C\  P6QP#A. Notice Of Intent to Establish an Open Video System#C\  P6QP#...3 #C\  P6QP#B . Certification of Service  ...  ...6 #C\  P6QP# 2. Franchise Authorities & Must Carry Notification#C\  P6QP# S #J2PQP#  #C\  P6QXP#A. First Notice of Intent ......7  B. Certification of Service (First Notice of Intent) ...10 C. Second Notice of Intent ......11 D. Certification of Service (Second Notice of Intent) ...12 E. Third Notice Of Intent ......13  F. Certification Of Service (Third Notice of Intent) ...14 #C\  P6QP# 3. Franchise Authorities ATTACHMENT # 1  #C\  P6QP#A. Orange County .......15 #C\  P6QP# #C\  P6QXP#B. Los Angeles County ......20  C. San Diego County .......23  D. San Bernardino County ......25 E. Riverside County .......27 #C\  P6QP# 4. Must Carry TV Stations ATTACHMENT # 2 #C\  P6QP#A. Los Angeles Area .......29  B. San Diego Area .......32  #C\  P6QP#5. Response Letter ATTACHMENT # 3 #C\  P6QP#A. "Sample" Response Letter#C\  P6QP#..... . #C\  P6QP# 33 DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVS 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd. Santa Ana, CA 92701 Ph:(714) 2852688 Fax:(714) 2852696 #C\  P6QXP# 12/31/96  To:Office Of Secretary Federal Communications Commission #C\  P6QP#NOTICE OF INTENTX0X0Í#C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#Postings should be made to the FCC's Daily Digest and the Cable Service Bureau's Ref`rence Room. #C\  P6QP# (TO ESTABLISH AN OPEN VIDEO SYSTEM) #C\  P6QP# #C\  P6QXP# It is the INTENT of Digital Broadcasting OVS (DBOVS) of 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92701, Ph: (714) 2852688 to provide Television Broadcast Services to any/all residents of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside and San Diego Counties of California as part of the Open Video System (OVS) established by the US Congress under the Telecommunications Act of 1996. DBOVS became (10/10/96) the first OPEN VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATOR certified by the FCC under the authority of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. DBOVS is authorized to transmit upwards of 500 6 MHz Digital, High Definition (HD) and Advanced Telecommunications channels using ON PREMISES equipment to transmit and receive a variety of MPEG 2 variable bit rate formats including staggered programming, videoondemand programming, service oriented programming and special event transmissions.  A CERTIFICATION AFFIDAVIT    Digital Broadcasting OVS, as an Open Video System Operator, herein certifies that they have heretofore, are now and will continue in the future to comply with all relevant FCC Notification Requirements specified under the Open Video System MustCarry and Retransmission Consent regulations (47 C.F.R. 76.1506). Attached is a listing of all local Commercial and Noncommercial television stations entitled, to our knowledge, to MustCarry Retransmission treatment.Q#C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#Information taken from major telephone directories used in each area and from the CABLE & TELEVISION FACT BOOK # 64, 1996 Edition, published by Warren Publishing, Inc., 2115 Ward Court NW, Washington, DC 20037.Q#C\  P6QP# Also attached is a listing of all Local Franchising Authorities, to our knowledge, located within the anticipated service area and entitled to notification.#C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#Information taken from Warren Publishing, Inc. at the above listed address. All the identified Television Stations and Local Franchising Authorities, as of the date of this filing, have received two fax notifications and a 1st Class US Mail notification or Certified Hand Delivered notification of our Intent To Provide Television Transmission Services in their respective areas under authority of Congress' OPEN VIDEO SYSTEM.  #C\  P6QXP# Digital Broadcasting OVSNotice of Intent  PROJECTED CHANNEL CAPACITY DBOVS has been approved by the FCC to provide carriage privileges for Video Programming Providers (VPPs) in the following four categories#C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#Information taken from the FCC 1275 Application Filing approved by the FCC October 10, 1996.: 1)170 Digital channels grouped as follows: a.100 premium programming channels b.12 15 standard service (Must Carry) NETWORK channels c.50 55 Interactive channels 2)260 Independent & Unaffiliated Digital Broadcast channels 3)35 Public, education and government channels (PEG) 4)35 MPEG II Broadband High Speed Internet channels Persons, companies, municipalities or others interested in more information regarding Upgraded Television Viewing, CONTENT DISTRIBUTION, Exclusive Channel Ownership, or Channel Sharing for their television content should contact the Information Officer at the address listed below and request the "VPP Information/Application Packet".  THE OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD  The FCC regulations specify that each Open Video System Operator have an initial OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD in which interested parties may submit applications for their own channel. The DBOVS NETWORK has established the initial enrollment period to be 120 days, beginning January 2, 1997 and ending May 2, 1997. Subsequent enrollment periods will be held prior to the beginning of each succeeding 3rd year, depending on open channel capacity. The anticipated beginning of ONLINE TRANSMISSION SERVICES is 4th quarter 1997 with certain services being added on a staggered basis as needed and/or required. Full deployment is expected by 4th quarter 1998. In the event that the demand for carriage services by  qualified applicants exceeds the 500 channel capacity DBOVS will impose the 2/3rds channel allotment rule specified by the FCC which states that 2/3rds of the channel capacity must be used for Independent and Unaffiliated channel applicants with 1/3rd of the channel capacity being allotted for selected programming applicants. VPP applicants who qualify for  channel sharing will receive a  multiplexed channel assignment.  BECOMING A VPP ON THE DBOVS NETWORK  The following steps comprise the path for becoming a Video Programming Provider: 1)Submit a  WRITTEN letter of interest addressed to the Information Officer, (Darrol L. Jeffers) at Digital Broadcasting OVS at 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92701. You will be mailed, Emailed or faxed the necessary information.#C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#See the attached "sample" response letter.#C\  P6QP#    #C\  P6QXP# Digital Broadcasting OVSNotice of Intent 2)Participate in an inhouse presentation / demonstration of DBOVS' technical capacity and discussion on overall NETWORK goals and objectives (optional). 3)Thoroughly read and understand the information received. It contains pertinent information regarding technical standards, financial requirements, necessary equipment, production standards, etc. along with other Network commitments and obligations. 4)Complete and return your APPLICATION FOR CHANNEL CAPACITY alongwith the other specified documents. Send by certified mail to DBOVS at the same address listed in the letterhead. 5)Submit a NONREFUNDABLE application processing fee.#C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#Application fee is used to defray expanses of printing, screening, prcessing of application,etc. 6)Submit the NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT signed by an authorized and responsible representative. 7)Participate in a planning session with DBOVS' executive staff to review and discuss the application and accompanied documents prior to STAFF'S submission of the application to the NETWORK'S Advisory Committee*#C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#To insure fairness and nondiscrimination in selection of channel VPP applicants the Network Advisory Committee has been selected to make final decisions on selection of applicants.* for final approval. 8)Advisory Committee will review application and reject, make recommendations or approve application. Applicant must be available for personal interview if requested by Advisory Committee. 9)Approved VPPs will be required to pay a one time licensing fee#C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#All fees will be discussed in the VPP Information Packet after interested parties submit their letter of interest. per contract period(three years or less), per channel, monthly online service and transmission fees and post a per channel performance bond equivalent to two times the monthly fees at the time of activation. 10)Designate executive liaison to represent your new channel and appoint same or comparable person to serve on DBOVS' Advisory Board. Digitally yours, Roy V. Jimenez, President & CEO Attachment: 1) Franchise Authorities within Anticipated Service Area 2) Commercial & NonCommercial TV Stations in Anticipated Service Area 3) Sample of Letter of Interest   #C\  P6QP# fccnoi3.doc #C\  P6QP# Digital Broadcasting OVSCertification of Service 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd. Santa Ana, CA 92701 #C\  P6Q P# CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE #C\  P6QP# ("Notification Of Intent" To FCC)#C\  P6Q P# #C\  P6QP#  #C\  P6Q&P#I, Roy Jimenez, certify that on the 31st day of December, 1996 I caused a copy of the foregoing "Notice of Intent to Establish an Open Video System " to be served on the persons below. The notification was done by FED EX airbills 1485064674 and 1485064663 postage prepaid. __________________________________ Roy Jimenez  December 31, 1996 Office of the Secretary Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street N. W. Room 222 Washington D.C.,20554  Caroline Flemming Federal Communications Commission Cable Services Bureau 2033 M Street, NW Room 918 Washington DC, 20554  #C\  P6QP#fccnoi3.doc  DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVS 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 2852688 F(714) 2852696 Email: DigitalOVS@AOL.COM #C\  P6QXP# 09/30/96  To:All Southern California Local Commercial and NonCommercial Television Stations and Cable Franchise Authorities. #C\  P6QP# NOTICE OF INTENT X0ÍX0 Í  #C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#DBOVS first contacted each "Must Carry" station and channel by phone to confirm the identity of their designated and responsible representative. Then, this 1st Notice Of Intent was sent by fax to each designated representative on September 30, 1996. #C\  P6QP#(TO ESTABLISH AN OPEN VIDEO SYSTEM) #C\  P6QP# #C\  P6QXP# It is the INTENT of Digital Broadcasting OVS (DBOVS) of 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92701, Ph: (714) 2852688 to provide Television Broadcast Services to any/all residents of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside and San Diego Counties of California as part of the Open Video System (OVS) established by the US Congress under the Telecommunications Act of 1996. DBOVS became (10/10/96) the first OPEN VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATOR licensed by the FCC under the authority of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. DBOVS is authorized to transmit upwards of 500 6 MHz Digital MPEG 2 Channels, including MPEG 2 High Definition (HD) and MPEG 2 ATVAdvanced Television channels using a variety of MPEG 2 transmission Variable Bit Rate formats including standard, staggered, videoondemand and special Pay Per View event transmissions.  PROJECTED CHANNEL CAPACITY DBOVS has been approved by the FCC to provide carriage privileges for Video Programming Providers (VPPs) in the following four categoriesX0 Í X0Í #C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#Information taken from the FCC 1275 Application Filing approved by the FCC October 10, 1996.: 1)170 Digital channels grouped as follows: a.100 premium programming channels b.12 15 standard service (Must Carry) NETWORK channels c.50 55 Interactive channels 2)260 Independent & Unaffiliated Digital Broadcast channels 3)35 Public, education and government channels (PEG) 4)35 MPEG II Broadband High Speed Internet channels Persons or companies interested in television CONTENT DISTRIBUTION, Exclusive Channel Ownership, or Channel Sharing for their television content should contact the Information Officer, Darrol L. Jeffers, in WRITTEN FORM, at the address listed heretofore and request the "VPP Information Packet". #C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#See the attatched "sample" response letter  THE OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD  The FCC regulations specify that each Open Video System Operator have an initial OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD in which interested parties may submit applications for their own channel. The DBOVS NETWORK has established the initial enrollment period to be 120 days, beginning January 02,1997 ending May 02, 1997. Subsequent enrollment periods will be held prior to the beginning of each succeeding 3rd year, depending on open channel capacity. The anticipated beginning of ONLINE TRANSMISSION SERVICES is 4th quarter 1997 with certain services being added on a staggered basis as needed and/or required. Full general deployment is estimated to be in the 4th quarter 1998. In the event that the demand for carriage services by  qualified applicants exceeds the 500 channel capacity DBOVS will impose the 2/3rds channel allotment rule specified by the FCC which states that 2/3rds of the channel capacity must be used for Independent and Unaffiliated channel applicants with 1/3rd of the channel capacity being allotted for selected programming applicants. VPP applicants who qualify for  channel sharing will receive a  multiplexed channel assignment.  BECOMING A VPP ON THE DBOVS NETWORK  The following steps comprise the path for becoming a Video Programming Provider: 1)Submit, in written form, for documentation, a letter of interest, addressed to the Information Officer, (Darrol L. Jeffers) at Digital Broadcasting OVS at 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92701. See attached sample. 2)Participate in an inhouse presentation / demonstration of DBOVS' technical capacity and discussion on overall NETWORK goals and objectives (optional). 3)Thoroughly read and understand the information received. It contains pertinent information regarding technical standards, financial requirements, necessary equipment, production standards, etc. along with other Network commitments and obligations. 4)Complete and return your APPLICATION FOR CHANNEL CAPACITY along with the other identified documents, to Darrol L. Jeffers, at the DBOVS address listed in the letterhead.5)Submit a NONREFUNDABLE application processing fee. #C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#The application fee is used to defrey general review, processing, office overhead expenses, etc.. 6)Submit the NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT signed by an authorized and responsible representative. 7)Participate in a planning session with DBOVS' executive staff to review and discuss the application and accompanied documents prior to STAFF'S submission of the application to the NETWORK'S Advisory Committee' #C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#To insure fairness and nondiscrimination in selection of channel VPP applicants the Network Advisory Committee was selected to make final decisions on selection of applicants.' for final approval.  8)Advisory Committee will review application and reject, make recommendations or approve application. Applicant must be available for personal interview if requested by Advisory Committee. 9)Approved VPPs will be required to pay a one time licensing fee, per channel and per contract period (three years or less), monthly online service and transmission fees and post a per channel performance bond equivalent to two times the monthly fees, at the time of activation. 10)Designate executive liaison to represent new channel and appoint same or comparable person to serve on DBOVS' Advisory Board. Digitally yours, Roy V. Jimenez, President & CEO  #C\  P6QP# fccnoi3.doc #C\  P6QXP# DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVSDigital Broadcasting OVS 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd. Santa Ana, CA 92701 #C\  P6QP#(714) 2852688 F(714) 2852696 Email: DigitalOVS@AOL.COM #C\  P6Q P# CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE #C\  P6QP#(1st Notification Of Intent)  I, Jonathan Neubaur, certify that on the 30th day of September, 1996, I caused an electronic copy of the foregoing "Notice Of Intent" to be faxed or Emailed to each designated representative of all local Commercial and NonCommercial Television Stations, possibly entitled to "Must Carry" and "Retransmission Consent" regulations (47 C.F.R. '76. 1506). I also caused same to be delivered to the local Cable Franchise Authorities entitled to establish requirements under Section 611. See attached listing of all designated representatives and authorities served. 3#C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#The attached listing of all identified "Must Carry" television stations and Franchise Authorities was compiled only after consulting with a representative of that company or organization.3 __________________________________   Jonathan Neubaur September 30, 1996 #C\  P6QP# fccnoi3 #C\  P6QXP# DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVSDarrol L. Jeffers, Information Officer 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd.Ph: (714) 2852688 Fax: (714) 2696 Santa Ana, CA 92701Email: DigitalOVS@AOL.COM 12/09/96  To:All Local Cable Franchise Authorities, PEG, Commercial and Noncommercial TV Stations for the Greater Southern California area.  #C\  P6QP#SECOND "NOTICE OF INTENT"2#C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#The entire content of the original "Notice Of Intent" was not sent with this second notice. The second notice was sent more as a reminder as all had received the 1st notice. However, in the event that the 1 st notice was lost, misfilled, dis carded, etc. this reminder notice along with a second "sample response" letter seemed sufficient. The date of fax and Email transmission for this second notice was 12/9 and 12/10/1996.2#C\  P6QP# (TO ESTABLISH AN OPEN VIDEO SYSTEM) #C\  P6QP##C\  P6QP#This LETTER OF INTENT is an IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTIFICATION , in compliance with the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Notification Requirements as specified under the Open Video System (OVS) MustCarry and Retransmission Consent regulations (47 C.F.R. 76.1506)T#C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#This cited statute requires that notification be sent to all parties directly affected by these new services. Every reasonable effort has been made to locate and notify all affected persons, companies or organizations. T#C\  P6QXP#. You may receive this notification via US postal service, Fax mail, or Email. It is the INTENT of Digital Broadcasting OVS (DBOVS) to provide Television Broadcast Services to any/all residents of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside and San Diego Counties under the Open Video System (OVS). DBOVS became (10/10/96) the first OPEN VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATOR in the USA licensed by the FCC under the authority of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. DBOVS is licensed to transmit upwards of 500 6 MHz Digital TV, High Speed Broadband InternetTV and HDTV channels. DBOVS is now seeking all Video Programming Providers (VPPs) that may be interested in providing content for television on multiplexed Fiber Optic MPEG 2 channels. Channel access is also available to out of area Cable Companies, Telcos, Independents and Unaffiliates. You may qualify for channel access as a PEG, Must Carry or Affiliate Program Provider, but you must sign and forward the "Notice of Intent to File for Channel Access" in order to comply to FCC OVS Channel Access regulations Section 653 (b)(1)(a).  As a Franchise Authority, PEG, Must Carry, or Noncommercial TV Stations, Independent stations, Unaffiliate Program Providers, TV Program distributors, Video Program Bundler, Producers, Publishers you must contact DBOVS NOW in order to qualify for 24 hr. channel access . For further information you must SUBMIT a WRITTEN REQUEST, for documentary reasons, similar to the sample "request letter" attached and mail, fax or Email to the INFORMATION OFFICER at the address listed above. Thank you. Digitally yours, Roy V. Jimenez, President #C\  P6QP#fccnoi3.doc  #C\  P6QXP# DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVSDigital Broadcasting OVS 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd. Santa Ana, CA 92701 #C\  P6QP#(714) 2852688 F(714) 2852696 Email: DigitalOVS@AOL.COM #C\  P6Q P# CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE #C\  P6QP#(2nd Notification Of Intent)  #C\  P6QXP#I, Roy V. Jimenez, certify that on the 9th and 10th days of December, 1996, I caused an electronic copy of the foregoing Second "Notice Of Intent To Establish An Open Video System" to be served by fax or Email to each designated representative of all local Commercial and NonCommercial Television Stations, possibly entitled to "Must Carry" and "Retransmission Consent" regulations (47 C.F.R. '76. 1506). I further certify that I also caused the same notification to be faxed or Emailed to the Cable Franchising Authorities for PEG requirements under Section 611. See attached listing of all designated representatives and authorities served. __________________________________  Roy V. Jimenez   December 31, 1996 Darrol L. Jeffers, Information Officer #C\  P6QP#DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVSEmail: DigitalOVS@AOL 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd.Ph: (714) 2852688 Santa Ana, CA 92701Fax: (714) 2852696 #C\  P6Q&P#12/27/96  To:All Local Cable Franchise Authorities, PEG, Commercial and Noncommercial TV Stations for the Greater Southern California area.  #C\  P6Q P# "THIRD "NOTICE OF INTENT" #C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP#The entire content of the original "Notice Of Intent" was not sent with this THIRD NOTICE. This third notice contained the same information as the second notice but was mailed by Certified Mail via US Postal Service to all designated representatives, hereafter listed. It was mailed beginning 12/23/96 through 12/30/96.#C\  P6Q&P#(TO ESTABLISH AN OPEN VIDEO SYSTEM)  This LETTER OF INTENT is an IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTIFICATION , in compliance with the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Notification Requirements as specified under the Open Video System (OVS) MustCarry and Retransmission Consent regulations (47 C.F.R. 76.1506)(#C\  P6QP#18This cited statute requires that notification be sent to all parties directly affected by these new services. Every reasonable effort has been made to locate and notify all affected persons, companies or organizations. (. You may receive this notification via US postal service, Fax mail, or Email. It is the INTENT of Digital Broadcasting OVS (DBOVS) to provide Television Broadcast Services to any/all residents of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside and San Diego Counties under the Open Video System (OVS). DBOVS became (10/10/96) the first OPEN VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATOR in the USA licensed by the FCC under the authority of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. DBOVS is licensed to transmit upwards of 500 6 MHz Digital TV, High Speed Broadband InternetTV and HDTV channels. DBOVS is now seeking all Video Programming Providers (VPPs) that may be interested in providing content for television on multiplexed Fiber Optic MPEG 2 channels. Channel access is also available to out of area Cable Companies, Telcos, Independents and Unaffiliates. You may qualify for channel access as a PEG, Must Carry or Affiliate Program Provider, but you must sign and forward the "Notice of Intent to File for Channel Access" in order to comply to FCC OVS Channel Access regulations Section 653 (b)(1)(a).  As a Franchise Authority, PEG, Must Carry, or Noncommercial TV Stations, Independent stations, Unaffiliate Program Providers, TV Program distributors, Video Program Bundler, Producers, Publishers you must contact DBOVS NOW in order to qualify for 24 hr. channel access . For further information you must SUBMIT a WRITTEN REQUEST, for documentary reasons, similar to the sample "request letter" attached and mail, fax or Email to the INFORMATION OFFICER at the address listed in the letterhead. Thank you. Digitally yours, Roy V. Jimenez, President #C\  P6QP#fccnoi3.doc  #C\  P6QXP# DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVS 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd. Santa Ana, CA 92701 #C\  P6QP#(714) 2852688 F(714) 2852696 Email: DigitalOVS@AOL.COM #C\  P6Q P# CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE #C\  P6QXP#I, Roy V. Jimenez, certify that on the 23rd and 30th of December, 1996, I caused a copy of the foregoing Third "Notice Of Intent To Establish An Open Video System" to be served by 1st Class US Mail to each designated representative of all local Commercial and NonCommercial Television Stations, possibly entitled to "Must Carry" and "Retransmission Consent" regulations (47 C.F.R. '76. 1506) who had not responded to previous notices. I further certify that I also caused the same to be delivered via CERTIFIED US Mail to all local Cable Franchise Authorities entitled to establish requirements under Section 611 who had not responded to previous notices. See attached listing of all designated representatives and authorities served. __________________________________ Roy V. Jimenez  December 31, 1996 ATTACHMENT # 1 DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVSFranchise Authorities: 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd.Orange County Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714)2852688 Fax:(714)2852696 Email: DigitalOVS@AOL.COM       Orange County (714) Anaheim Kristine Thulman Intergovernmental Officer 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. #733 Anaheim, Ca92805  Brea  Tom Hatch Management Analyst 1 Civil Center Cr. Brea, Ca92821  Buena Park  Kevin O'Rourke City Manager 6650 Beach Blvd. Buena Park, Ca90620  Costa Mesa Allan Roedar City Manager P.O. Box 1200 Costa Mesa,Ca926281200  Cypress  Gary Back Administrative Service Director 5275 Orange Ave. Cypress, Ca90630 Dana Point  Ken Rozell Assistant D.A. Burke, Williams, & Sorensen  611 W. 6th St., Suite 2500 Los Angeles, Ca 90017 DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVSFranchise Authorities: Orange County Diamond Bar  Kellee Fritzal Assistant to the City Manager 21660 E. Copley Dr., Suite 100 Diamond Bar, Ca91765 Fountain Valley Don Heinbuch Administrative Service Manager 10200 Slater Ave. Fountain Valley, Ca92708 Fullerton  Ed Paul Revenue Manager 303 W. Commonwealth Fullerton, Ca92832 Garden Groove  Kathy Moore Administrative Service Manager P.O. Box 3071 Garden Grove, Ca92842 Huntington Beach  Richard Bernard Deputy City Administrator 2000 Main St. Huntington Beach, Ca92647  Irvine  Karen Vaughn Management Analyst 1 Civic Center Plaza Irvine, Ca92713  Laguna Beach  Raquel Monoz Administrative Service Manager 505 Forest Laguna Beach, Ca92651 DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVSFranchise Authorities: Orange County La Habra  Less Dolittle City Manager 1245 N. Hacienda Blvd. La Habra, Ca90631 La Habra Heights  Jerry Bankston, City Manager Brad Bridenbecker, Management Analyst 1245 N. Hacienda Blvd. La Habra Heights, Ca90631  La Palma  Ronald Kenny Dir. of Recreation & Community Resource  7822 Walker La Palma, Ca90631 La Mirada  Tom Robinson Community Resource Director 13700 S. La Mirada Blvd. La Mirada, Ca90638 Mission Viejo  Joann Korey Senior Management Analysis 25909 Pala Suite 150 Mission Viejo, Ca92691 Newport Beach  Peggy Ducey Assistant to the City Manager 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, Ca92658  Orange  Dave Kiff 300 E. Chapman Ave. Orange, Ca 92866 Digital Broadcasting OVSFranchise Authorities Orange County  Placentia  Robert D'Amato City Administrator 401 E. Chapman Ave. Placentia, Ca92870 Pomona  Darren Madkin Sr. Management Services 505 S. Gary Ave. Pomona, Ca91766  San Juan Capistrano  Mary Lobb 32400 Paseo Adelanto San Juan Capistrano, Ca92675 Seal Beach  Dan Dorsey Assistant to the City Manager 211 8th Seal Beach, Ca90740 Stanton  Terri Matz City Manager 7800 Katella Ave. Stanton, Ca90680 Tustin  Joe Myers Administrative Assistant 300 Centennial Way Tustin, Ca92780  Villa Park  Fred Maley City Manager 17855 Santiago Blvd. Villa Park, Ca92861 Digital Broadcasting OVSFranchise Authorities Orange County Westminster  Sandra Evens Public Information Officer 8200 Westminster Blvd. Westminister, Ca92683  Yorba Linda  Dave Grouchow Assistant City Manager 4845 Casa Loma Ave. P.O. Box 87014 Yorba Linda, Ca928858714 #C\  P6QP#fccnoi2.doc #C\  P6QXP# DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVSFranchise Authorities: 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd.Los Angeles County Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714)2852688 Fax:(714)2852696 Email: DigitalOVS@AOL.COM #C\  P6QP# #C\  P6QP# LA County(213) or (310) #C\  P6QP# #C\  P6QXP# Bell  Trish Kastrine City Clerk 6330 Pine Ave. Bell, Ca90201 Beverly Hills  Fred Kunningham Executive Manager of Public Affairs 455 Rexford Dr., 2 nd Floor  Beverly Hills, Ca90210 Carson  Yuko Dunham Business License Department P.O. Box 6234 Carson, Ca90749 Commerce  Judy Bambeau, Cable Administrator Public Information Officer 2535 Commerce Way City Of Commerce, Ca 90040 Compton Reginald Tabor, Special Assistant.   To City Manager Compton City Hall 205 So. Willowbrook Ave. Compton, Ca90221 Cudahy  Nick Mull Assistant City Manager 5220 Santa Ana St. Cudahy, Ca90201 Digital Broadcasting OVSFranchise Authorities:Los Angeles County Gardena  Mitch Lansdell Assistant City Manager 1700 W. 162nd Gardena, Ca90247  Huntington Park  Donald Jeffers Chief Administrative Officer 6550 Miles Ave. Huntington Park, Ca90255 Inglewood  Darrol Brown Assistant to the City Manager 1 Manchester Blvd., 9th Floor Inglewood, Ca90301 Los Angeles  David Hankin Chief of Policy & Regulation for ITA 120 S. San Pedro, Suite 600 Los Angeles, Ca96012 Maywood  Ronald Lindsey City Manager 4319 E. Slauson Ave. Maywood, Ca90270 Montebello Mario Guerra Assistant To City Administrator 1600 W. Beverly Blvd. Montebello, Ca 90640 Southgate  Michael Earl Assistant to the City Manager 8650 California Ave. Southgate, Ca90802 Digital Broadcasting OVSFranchise Authorities:Los Angeles County South Pasadena  Richard Kowaltschuk Captain 1422 Mission St. South Pasadena, Ca91030  Vernon  Chris Romero Administrative Aid 4305 Santa Fe Ave. Vernon, Ca90058  West Hollywood  Charlie Makinney Interim City Manager 8300 Santa Monica West Hollywood, Ca90069 #C\  P6QP#fccnoi2.doc #C\  P6QXP# DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVSFranchise Authorities: 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd.San Diego County Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714)2852688 Fax:(714)2852696 Email: DigitalOVS@AOL.COM #C\  P6QP# San Diego County  (619)#C\  P6QP# #C\  P6QXP# Chula Vista  Gerald Young Principle Management Assistant 276 4th Ave. Chula Vista, Ca91911  Coronado  Homer Bludau City Manager 7825 Strand Way Coronado, Ca92118 Del Mar  Joe Houghen  Assistant City Manager 240 10th St. Del Mar, Ca92014  El Cajon  Bob McClellan, Councilman 200 E. Main St. El Cajon, Ca92020 Imperial Beach  Bob Hain, Director Administrative Services 825 Imperial Beach Imperial Beach, Ca91932  La Mesa  Sandra Schultz Deputy City Manager/ Community Services 4975 Memorial Dr. La Mesa, Ca91941 Digital Broadcasting OVSFranchise Authorities: San Diego County #C\  P6QP# #C\  P6QXP#  Lemon Grove  Bob Richardson Assistant City Manager 3232 Main St. Lemon Grove, Ca91945  National City  Park Morse Assistant City Manager 1293 National City Blvd. National City, Ca91950  Poway  Patrick Foley Senior Management Analysis P.O. Box 789 Poway, Ca920740789  San Diego  Dick Wilker Deputy Director of Information 1200 3rd Ave., Suite 250 San Diego, Ca92101  Santee  Joanne Dimmett Community Service Department 10601 Magnolia Ave. Santee, Ca92071  Solana Beach  Tom Ritter Management Analysis 635 South Highway 101 Solana Beach, Ca92075 #C\  P6QP# fccnoi2.doc #C\  P6QXP# DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVSFranchise Authorities: 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd.San Bernardino County Santa Ana, CA 92701 Ph:(714)2852688 Fax:(714)2852696 Email: DigitalOVS@AOL.COM  #C\  P6QP#San Bernardino County (909)#C\  P6QXP#  Colton  Jeff Butzlaff Assistant City Manager 650 N. La Cadena Dr. Colton, Ca92324  Fontana  Linda Garza Manager Service P.O. Box 518 Fontana, Ca92334  Grand Terrace  Tomas Schwab City Manager 22795 Barton Rd. Grand Terrace, Ca92313  Highland  Joe Hugues Assistant Manager 26985 Baseline  Highland, Ca92346 Loma Linda T. Milford Harrison Economic Department Director 25541 Barton Rd. Loma Linda, Ca92354 Brenton A. Bleier, Attorney  2100 21st Street  Sacramento, Ca 95818   #C\  P6QP#fccnoi2.doc #C\  P6QXP# DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVSFranchise Authorities: 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd.San Bernardino County Santa Ana, CA 92701 Ph:(714)2852688 Fax:(714)2852696 Email: DigitalOVS@AOL.COM  Rialto  Angels Perry Cable Coordinator 150 South Palm Rialto, Ca92376  San Bernardino  Frank Keller CATV Manager, Telecom Dept  300 North D St. San Bernardino, Ca92418 Digital Broadcasting OVSFranchiseAuthorities: Riverside County #C\  P6QP#Riverside County (909) #C\  P6QXP# RiversideCayon Lake  Steve AronsonJeff Butzlaff Finance Dept 31532 Railroad Cyn Rd 3900 Main St. Cayon Lake, Ca92587Riverside, Ca92522#C\  P6QP#  #C\  P6QXP# BanningCoachilla  Darrol HertelLinda Garza 99 E. Ramsey St.1515 6th St. P.O. Box 998Coqachilla, Ca92236 #C\  P6QP#Banning, Ca92220 #C\  P6QXP# BeaumontIndian Wells  Alan KapanicasTroy Butzlaff City Manager44950 Eldorado 550 East 6th StIndian Wells, Ca92210 Beaumont, Ca92225 #C\  P6QP# #C\  P6QXP# BlytheIndio  Patricia StuwartAlan Wagel Dir. of FinanceCity Managers Office 220 N. Spring100 CivicCenter Mall Blythe, Ca 92225Indio, Ca92201 #C\  P6QP#  CoronaLa Quinta  #C\  P6QXP#Laura ManchesterBrit Wilson City Managers OfficeCity Managers Office 815 West 6th St.P.O. Box 1504 Corona, Ca91720 La Quinta, Ca92253 #C\  P6QP# #C\  P6QXP# Cathedral CityPerris  Dudley HainesJoe Malloy P. O. Box 5001City Manager Cathedral City, Ca92235155 E. 4th St.,S200 #C\  P6QP#Perris, Ca 92570 #C\  P6QXP# Palm DersertPalm Springs  Ray JanesTom Kanarr 73510 Fred Waring Dr.Dir. of Finance Palm Dersert, Ca92260P.O. Box 2743 #C\  P6QP##C\  P6QXP#Palm Springs, Ca92263 Digital Broadcasting OVSFranchise Authorities Riverside County Rancho MirageMoreno Valley  Cathy MittonSuzanne Rhinehart City of Rancho MirageP.O. Box 88005 69825 Hwy 111Moreno Valley, Ca925520805 Rancho Mirage, Ca92270 #C\  P6QP#  #C\  P6QXP# Desert Hot SpringsCali Mesa  Jack SmithAlan Kapanicas City Managers OfficeP.O. Box 1190 65950 Pierson BlvdCali Mesa, Ca92320 Desert Hot Springs, Ca 92240 #C\  P6QP#  #C\  P6QXP# HemetYucaipa  Rod WatkinsJohn Tooker City Managers Ofice34272 Yucaipa 450 E. LathamYucaipa, Ca92399 Hemet, Ca92543 #C\  P6QP#  #C\  P6QXP# MurrietaNorco  Al VollbrechtPam Ensley 26442 DeckmanP.O. Box 428 Murrieta, Ca92562 Norca, Ca91760 Rancho California  Dennis Halloway City Manager 312 E. Main St. San Jacinto, Ca92583 Temecula  Grant Yates 43200 Business Park Dr. P.O.Box 9033 Temecula, Ca925899033 Lake Elsanor  Florence Mower 130 S. Main St. Lake Elsanor, Ca92530 #C\  P6QP#fccnoi3.doc #C\  P6QP# ATTACHMENT # 2 #C\  P6QXP# DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVSMust Carry Notification 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd.Los Angeles Area Santa Ana, CA 92701 Ph:(714)2852688 Fax:(714)2852696 Email: DigitalOVS@AOL.COM #C\  P6QP# #C\  P6Q P#Commercial and NonCommercial TV Stations Falling Under FCC Requirements #C\  P6QP# Must Carry Notification Per (47 C.F.R. '76.1506)#C\  P6QP#  #C\  P6QXP#KCBS2 CBS Lane Britton Business Affair 7800 Beverly Los Angeles, Ca 90036 #C\  P6QP# #C\  P6QXP#NBC4 NBC Ellen Agress, Attorney Rockefeller Plaza Law Department, 10th Floor East New York, New York 10112 KTLA5 Warner John Reardon, General Manager KTLA 5800 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, Ca90028 KABC7 ABC Inc. Roger Goodspeed 77 W. 66th Street, 16th Floor New York, New York10023 KCAL9 Independent Hugo Srossitter, General Council KCAL 9 5515 Melrose Ave. Hollywood, Ca 90038 KTTV11 FOX David Keleipp,VP Legal Affairs 1999 South Bundy Los Angeles, Ca900255235 KCOP13 UPN Att: Network Distribution 11800 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, Ca90025  KSCI18 Independent Richard Millet, Station Manager KSCI 12401 W. Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles, CA90064  KWHY 22 Independent Martin Dudan, General Manager 5545 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, Ca90028 KCET28 PBS Helen Bendix, SR. V.P. Staff KCET 4401 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, Ca90027 WTBN 40 Independent (Trinity Broadcasting) Terry Hickey, V.P. Of Administration 2442 Michelle Dr. Santa Ana, California 92680 KOCE 50 Independent Reberta Smith, Program Director 15751 Gotlard St. Huntington Beach, Ca92647 KMEX 52 Univision Henry Baray, Sr. VP & General Council 6701 Ventura Dr. West, 15th Floor Los Angeles, Ca90045 KDOC 56 Independent Chuch Velona, General Manager KDOC 56 18021 Cowan Irvine, Ca 92614 DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVSMust Carry Notification 520 W. Santa Ana Blvd.San Diego Area Santa Ana, CA 92701 Ph:(714)2852688 Fax:(714)2852696 Email: DigitalOVS@AOL.COM KNSD NBC Penny Martin, Program Director KNSD 8330 Engineer Rd. San Diego, Ca92111 KGTV ABC Ron Jennings Director of Engineering P.O. Box 85347 San Diego, Ca92186 KFMB CBS Ed Trimble, General Manager 7677 Engineer Rd. San Diego, Ca92111 KTTY Warner Lise Markham, General Manager 1696 Frontage Rd. Chula Vista, Ca91911 KUSI United Paramount Mike McKinnon V.P. of Broadcast Opportunity P.O. Box 779051 San Diego, Ca92171 KBNT Univision Philip Wilkinson, General Manager 5764 Pacific Center, Suite 110 San Diego, Ca92121  ATTACHMENT #3 #C\  P6QP#Notice of Intent to File VPP Application#C\  P6QP#  #C\  P6QP# SAMPLE____________________ SAMPLE ____________________ ____________________  #C\  P6QP#____________________ (date) #C\  P6QXP#Darrol L. Jeffers, Information Officer Digital Broadcasting OVS (DBOVS) 520 West Santa Ana Blvd. Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 2852688 Fax: (714) 2852696 Email: DigitalOVS@AOL.COM Re: Letter of Acknowledgment and Interest Dear Mr. Jeffers Our (Franchise Authority/Broadcasting Station) recently received your Notification of Intent to provide OVS services in our franchise/broadcast area along with a brief description of the intent of Congress in creating the OPEN VIDEO SYSTEM (OVS). You also described the roles of OVS Operators and Video Programming Providers (VPPs) and how they fit into the congressional plans. We do understand that the OVS program could significantly impact the municipalities under our authority, through increased revenues, higher level of video resolution, greater variety of programming and improved services. We are therefore interested in gaining more information about the OVS program and of our possible participation as a channel owner and/or Video Programming Provider. We would also be interested in a first hand demonstration of the equipment needed to interface with the DBOVS Network and to see what quality improvements could be made in data, video and audio services to be made available to the viewers we represent. We are requesting that DBOVS, send us the VPP Information Packet. We will subsequently provide DBOVS with sufficient information to understand our needs, technical requirements and our proposed services. If after thorough investigation we believe that the OVS program can provide the significant key benefits for our municipalities and/or viewers then we will petition through DBOVS to become a VPP in their operational network. Sincerely yours, _________________________ (Signature of authorized representative) _________________________ (Printed Name of Authorized Person) _________________________ (Title) #C\  P6QP# ______________________________ (Daytime Phone)