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Natural Disaster Emergency Travel and Transportation Allowances for Military Members

Published Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 09:40:04 CDT

Upon a mandatory evacuation order, the following general travel and transportation allowances apply:

  • Uniformed servicemembers: Members who are ordered to evacuate an area are in a TDY status to a designated safe haven (temporary) location listed on their orders. Travel and transportation allowances are based on the safe haven location. Active duty members are not to be included on dependents evacuation orders. Reserve component members who are not on active duty are not authorized evacuation TDY orders.
  • Dependents: Dependents who are ordered to evacuate an area are in a TDY status to a designated safe haven location listed on their orders. Travel and transportation allowances are based on the safe haven location.
  • Evacuation status termination: When a member returns from a safe haven location with one or more dependents, all evacuation allowances cease for the entire family regardless of the location of other dependents. COMDT (CG-1222) may direct the early return of dependents, and termination of evacuation allowances, in certain areas before the evacuation period termination date. When requested through the members chain of command, COMDT (CG-1222) may authorize one or more of the dependents to remain at the evacuation safe haven location with appropriate allowances.
  • Reserve Members: Members of the Reserve Component serving on active duty, and their dependents, may be authorized evacuation allowances if the principal residence of the reserve component member called or ordered to active duty is in the vicinity of the evacuated duty station.
  • Travel Allowances: Local travel allowances in the vicinity of the safe haven or designated place (area where family sets up a more permanent Household) must not be paid if reimbursement is being received for expenses incurred in renting a motor vehicle.
  • Alternate Safe Havens: Requests for alternate OCONUS safe havens evacuations must be approved by COMDT CG-1222 before evacuation allowances will be paid.
  • Designated place: COMDT CG-1222 must approve the requests for members desiring to convert the safe haven to a designated place, including, if the designated place has a higher BAH rate, payment of applicable BAH for the requested designated place.

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Direct Access Award Codes Update

Published Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 15:05:04 CDT

Codes for the following awards were added to the DA Honors and Awards code table on 16 September 2008:

Vice Presidential Service BadgeCGVPSB
CG Combat Action RibbonCG CAR
Navy Combat Action Ribbon (new)USN CAR
Armed Forces Reserve Numerical Mobilization Device CGAFRNMD

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Agenda for SPO Conference/PSC Advisory Council Meeting 24-26 Sept.

Published Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 14:45:04 CDT

The agenda for the SPO Conference/PSC Advisory Council Meeting, which will be held at the Kansas Museum of History, in Topeka, KS from 24 to 26 September 2008, has been posted to the Advisory Council web page.

The address of the museum is 6425 SW 6th Avenue, Topeka, KS 66615. Directions can be found at: http://www.kshs.org/places/kshs/map.htm.

A list of conference attendees is available on PSC's CGWEB site at http://cgweb.psc.uscg.mil/docs/Current_Attendees.doc

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E-Mail ALSPO Messages Issued

Published Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 14:30:04 CDT

The following E-Mail ALSPO messages have been posted:

Number Subject Release Date
K/08 Sale of Special Leave AccrualAdobe Acrobat Required 16 September
J/08 FY2009 Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) CodesAdobe Acrobat Required 08 September

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New Password Requirements for TOPTS/JUMPS Access

Published Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2008 11:30:04 CDT

On September 15th, PSC will be implementing a change to the JUMPS system passwords to comply with USCG System Security Policies. The next time that you change your password for JUMPS you will be required to include a 'National' or 'Special' character in your password.

The National characters consist of the characters @,#, and $. If you receive a message when you next attempt to change your password that 'IKJ56414I NEW-PASSWORD IS INVALID FOR RACF' please check to make certain that your password contains one of these 3 national characters, contains at least one letter, at least one number, and that it is 8 characters long.

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November 2008 Servicewide Exam - Deadline to Verify and Correct Personal Data Extracts is Approaching

Published Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 12:50:00 CDT

Members competing in the November 08 Servicewide Exam (SWE) must verify and correct their Personal Data Extracts (PDEs) not later than 1 October 2008.

PDEs are available in Direct Access (DA) self service and have been mailed to member's units.

Members are solely responsible to review all data for accuracy.

  • Report any discrepancy to your admin support staff for correction.
  • Provide documentation proof to admin support staff of missing awards, competencies, TDY afloat orders, or any other pde errors needing correction in DA.
  • After reporting discrepancies to your admin support staff, ensure that corrective action is taken by verifying corrections in DA using the self service application.

If the "Candidate Status" field of the online PDE does not say "Eligible" by 1 October 08, a SWE will not be mailed. If your PDE has not been corrected, contact PSC via global e-mail address "psc-dg-adv." This must be done prior to the PDE correction deadline of 1 October 08.

an example PDE

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Reimbursement for Excess Baggage Fees

Published Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 14:35:01 CDT

In accordance with Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR), VOL. 1 (Para U3015, and appendices (A) and (G)), accompanied baggage in excess of the maximum weight, size, or number of pieces carried at no additional cost (free) by a transportation carrier is excess accompanied baggage. Effective immediately, authorizing/order-issuing officials (AOs) may indicate on all travel orders that excess baggage is authorized, reimbursement not to exceed $75. Receipts are required with submission of travel claims. Should a member incur excess baggage fees in excess of $75, the AO should verify that the claim for reimbursement is proper and in accordance with Para U3015 of the JFTR. The AO must ensure that all claims for excess baggage charges are limited to the personal effects of a traveler necessary for official travel and are immediately needed upon arrival at the point of assignment. Material/equipment belonging to the government may be included as authorized excess baggage. Travelers who purchase airline tickets to accommodate circuitous or personal convenience travel, in conjunction with official travel, are entitled to reimbursement for excess baggage costs that would have been incurred if the entire trip was for official travel.

Some airlines may exempt government travelers from paying excess baggage fees but may require travelers to present government IDs and/or copies of official travel orders at time of check-in. Coast Guard travelers should be prepared to present military or government IDs and copies of official travel orders at the time baggage is checked in. Checked baggage fees cannot be charged to the Coast Guard Centrally Billed Account (CBA). Travelers who have their airline tickets charged to a Coast Guard CBA must be prepared to pay any assessed baggage fees at the time the bags are checked with the airlines. Checked baggage fees can be charged to the travelers individually billed government travel charge cards and claimed on travel vouchers as line items for miscellaneous reimbursable expenses.

Source: ALCOAST 405/08

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SPO Conference/PSC Advisory Council Meeting Update - Registration Reopened

Published Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 16:25:04 CDT

To All SPO's - As you know, PSC Topeka is holding our annual Customer Advisory/SPO Conference here 24-26 September 2008. What you may not know is that we will be providing a ton of useful information for SPO's and covering important and timely issues like:

  1. Update on CG reorganization efforts from Admiral Neptun - what ISC SPOs could look like in the new structure, and the latest info on transition.
  2. SPO Metrics - CG Central now has an active cube to query D/A data and report on timeliness of SPO data entry. We are continuing development to include data accuracy and eventually plan to roll out this tool as a real time measure of timeliness and accuracy of data entry that will be available for all SPO's. This will help us target areas for training and help SPO's better manage their processes.
  3. Subject matter experts will provide information on T-Pax and Travel, Accessions, Enlisted Contracts, Reserve Transactions, and all manner of Direct Access issues. You will hear about Advancements, Separations, PCS Orders, and the best way to interact with PSC to solve problems.
  4. YN Force manager will attend to discuss rate specific career information and issues of concern for yeoman of all levels.
  5. Last but not least: we need YOUR feedback and information on what issues you are seeing in the field, and how we can best help you deal with them.

I strongly encourage SPO Chiefs and other leaders to attend if at all possible. Put in your request for end of year funds for travel and come out to see the latest in SPO metrics, personnel, pay and travel issues so you can bring the information and improved skills back to your unit!

Please let our Conference Chief, YNC Kevin Keener know that you will attend by the end of August. We are quickly reaching capacity and don't want you to miss this great opportunity.

Thank you - I look forward to seeing you in September in Topeka!

Commanding Officer
Personnel Service Center (PSC) Topeka

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Sale of Special Leave Accrual (SLA)

Published Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2008 11:05:01 CDT

Sale of SLA (See ALCOAST 396/08 for eligibility) will not be input into Direct-Access by Servicing Personnel Offices. PSC (mas) will make payments for sale of SLA via a special credit process. Eligible members, who want to sell SLA must complete Form PSC-2046, Application to Sell Special Leave Accrual, and forward it to their SPO. The SPO will verify the member's leave balance (ensuring all leave transactions have processed through JUMPS) and forward the application to PSC (mas)(not later than 1 December annually) for payment.

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Indefinite Reenlistment Program Changes

Published Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 14:05:03 CDT

ALCOAST 307/08 announced two changes to the Indefinite Reenlistment Program:

  1. Members who are currently serving on an indefinite reenlistment contract are authorized (on or after 1 September 2008) to enter into a new indefinite reenlistment, one time, during a career for the purpose of selling leave.
  2. Members who have 10 or more years of active service will be allowed, after 31 August 2008, to reenlist for periods of three years, four years, five years, six years or for an indefinite period up to their 30-year active duty anniversary date.

Direct-Access software changes for processing reenlistment contracts under the new policy will be completed by 02 September 2008. E-Mail ALSPO I/08, Indefinite Reenlistment Program Changes, updates the procedures for entering reenlistment contracts for active duty members authorized to enter into a new indefinite reenlistment for the purpose of selling leave and for members who have 10 or more years of active service.

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Spouse's Date of Birth on Family SGLI Election Transactions

Published Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 14:05:02 CDT

FSGLI premiums are based on the date of birth of the member's spouse. If the date of birth is wrong, then at some point the FSGLI premium will be wrong. E-Mail ALSPO H/08 provides procedures correcting the spouse's date of birth for Family Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (FSGLI) premium deductions.

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Designation of Beneficiaries and Record of Emergency Data

Published Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 14:05:01 CDT

New Policy for Death Gratuity Beneficiary Designations>

On July 1, 2008, a new death gratuity beneficiary policy became effective (Public Law 110-181 (PL-110-181), section 645) that allows service members to designate up to 100 percent of their death gratuity to a person of the service member's choice.

The balance of the death gratuity is paid to the service member's living survivors.

Prior to the enactment of PL-110-28 in May 2007, the entire death gratuity was paid to the spouse and children, or, if there were none, to other family members as elected by the member ( i.e., parents, brothers, sisters etc.). On May 25, 2007, a new death gratuity beneficiary policy became effective (Public Law 110-28 (PL-110-28), section 3306) that allowed service members to designate up to 50 percent of their death gratuity to a person of the service member's choice. Now, per PL-110-181, a member can designate up to 100 percent (in increments of 10 percent) to a person of their choice. An unmarried service member, for example, may now designate a person of his/her choice to receive a portion of the gratuity. The member may also designate as beneficiary a parent or another person that he/she elects as guardian over the minor children.

Because of the new designated beneficiary policy, PSC Form 2020D (July 2008), Designation of Beneficiaries and Record of Emergency Data, has been expanded to include a new Beneficiary to Receive a Portion of Death Gratuity section where the service member enters beneficiary data, including the percentage (up to 100 percent) of the death gratuity. Form PSC-2020D (July 2008) has been significantly revised to mirror DD Form 93 (Jan 2008), Record of Emergency Data, which is used by all other branches of service.

Form PSC-2020D (July 2008), Designation of Beneficiaries and Record of Emergency Data

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Reporting TDY in Direct Access - Update

Published Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 12:05:00 CDT

E-Mail ALSPO message A/08 announced the elimination of the Direct Access TDY Entitlements (P620 - Change Subsistence and/or Career Sea Duty Entitlements Due to TDY/Permissive Orders) transaction and promulgated new procedures for recording changes to enlisted Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) and/or Career Sea Duty Pay/Time (CSP) for members performing temporary duty (TDY).

We have noticed a couple of mistakes SPOs often make in connection with submitting transactions for refund of the Discount Meal Rate (DMR) for members on TDY, they are:

  1. Stopping BAS-DMR: In order for the refund of DMR to work there must be an open BAS-DMR segment in JUMPS. Otherwise, there's nothing to refund. Do not submit a Refund of DMR transaction if the BAS-DMR entitlement row is stopped.
  2. Overlapping Refund of DMR with Leave: Do not include the number of meals missed or the dates when a member was on leave. The leave transaction (Vacation Request), provided one is submitted, will automatically credit missed meals for members who take leave while on TDY. Submitting a Refund of DMR with dates overlapping a leave period will result in overpayment.

We have updated the Direct-Access Users Guide for TDY Entitlements, that was originally published as enclosure (1) to E-Mail ALSPO A/08, with warnings to avoid these errors.

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Advancements & Evaluations Newsletter

Published Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2008 15:05:01 CDT

The Summer 2008 Advancements & Evaluations Newsletter, published by PSC (ADV), is now online. This issue includes articles the following topics:

  • SWE Challenges
  • Message Traffic
  • Upcoming Oct08 RSWE and NOV08 SWE
  • SWE Profile Letters Online
  • Yeoman Access-Don't Abuse It
  • Statistical Summary
  • Applying Advancement Recommendations
  • Employee Review Helping Hints
  • Tricks for SWE Evaluations
  • Computing Your SWE Final Multiple
  • Processing Advancements
  • Supplemental Process Check Up
  • Common EER Mistakes
  • What Happens to EER's After Being Finalized
  • Required Comments for E6 and Above
  • Updating Weight Data in Direct Access

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Procedures for Reporting Additional Active Duty for Reservists on AD Orders Ending in FY08

Published Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2008 12:35:01 CDT

E-Mail ALSPO G/08 provides procedures for reporting additional active duty authorized for Reservists whose expected active duty termination date is 30 September 08 or earlier and insufficient information is available to issue new orders.

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The Actual Report Date on a PCS Endorsement on Orders Transaction is not a Day of Duty

Published Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2008 17:00:01 CDT

When completing the PCS Reporting Endorsement you should be aware that Direct-Access does not treat the Actual Report Date field as a day of duty unless it is the same date as the Actual Depart Date (which is treated as a day of duty). Therefore, you must not interpret the label of the field to literally denote the date a member first physically stepped aboard the unit. There are occasions when you will use the day prior to the date the member first reported as the Actual Report Date. An example can be found in Article 4.G.15. (Delay En Route During Execution of Orders) of the Coast Guard Personnel Manual. It is repeated below:

Orders authorize 10 days leave, no proceed time, no travel time, and date of detachment is 1 August. If the member uses maximum time allotted, count the periods as follows:

  • 1 August Detached (day of duty)
  • 2 to 11 August Leave period (10 days)
  • The member must report for duty by 0900 on 12 August.

Under orders involving leave only, when the member reports determines whether the reporting date is a day of duty or a day of leave. If the member reports at or before 0900, the day would be a day of duty; if he or she reports after 0900 the day is a day of leave.

This is how the endorsement would be completed in Direct Access:
The PCS Endorsement Panel in Direct Access

Note that we entered 11 August as the Actual Report Date, because 12 August is a day of duty.
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Regular to Reserve Officer Commission

Published Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 14:30:00 CDT

ALPERSCOM 026/08 announced the Regular-to-Reserve (R-to-R) commission Panel (01-08) results. Chapter 8-B of the DA Accessions Guide (http://www.uscg.mil/hq/cg1/psc/guides/accessions.pdf) is your best reference for completing the R-to-R discharge/accession for these officers. While your SPO may not be involved, this year, this is a good opportunity for you to review the process.

Keep the following key points in mind:

The officers will complete the CG-9556s (Acceptance of Oath of Office) in advance of their actual discharge dates. Do not discharge the officers while they're still supposed to be on active duty. The effective date for an officer separation is normally the last day of the month and the accession into the reserve is normally the first day of the following month (e.g. Discharge on 30 June 2009 if appointment is effective 1 July 2009).

The officers should complete Career Intentions Worksheets (http://www.uscg.mil/hq/cg1/psc/forms/psc2045.pdf) with their terminal leave (if any) and travel intentions. The officers should submit new SGLI/FSGLI elections and be aware that they will begin incurring charges for SGLI immediately upon accession into the Coast Guard Reserve. If they don't plan on drilling right away, they may have a substantial debt for SGLI to be liquidated from their first drill pay checks.

The ISC (pf/fot)'s should not issue Reserve PCS assignment orders for these officers. The orders will interfere with the re-hire process. If orders are inadvertently issued, the SPOs must not approve or endorse them before completing the accession. The ISC (pf/fot)'s should provide the SPOs with the position numbers the officers will be assigned to. The SPOs will use the position numbers to create requisition numbers in Direct Access. The process for creating the requisition number is provided in Chapter 2-A of the DA Guide for Accessions. A new requisition should be created for each assignment; this will allow the SPO to set the rank accordingly and will carry forward into the re-hire process, the officers will be 'hired' directly into their drilling unit assignments.

The SPOs will also need to create new Applicant ID numbers as explained in Chapter 2-B of the DA Accessions Guide (be sure to affiliate the Applicant ID with the officer's Employee ID number as described on page 2-B-4 (Step 5) of the DA Accessions Guide).

The remainder of the accession process is set forth in the DA Guide (Chapters 3 and 8-B), pay attention to the warnings and notes for the key fields. For example:

  • When completing the Service Information tab of the Contract Data portion of the procedures (Beginning on page 3-26 of the DA Guide) be sure to:
    1. Carry forward the officers' Pay Base Date, Active Duty Base Date, and Initial Military Obligation dates.
    2. Accurately set the Reserve Anniversary Date, Expected Loss Date and, if the CGPC (rpm-1) memo requires the officer to make a commitment to remain in the SELRES for a specific period, the Reserve Drill Obligation Date.
    3. Set the Employee Classification to SELRES with a Reserve Training Pay Code of "A" (drill pay status) and a Reserve Classification Code of "I" if the officer is still within their initial 8-year Military Service Obligation (MSO) or "Q" if they have completed their initial 8-year MSO.
  • When completing the Hire Applicant procedures (Beginning on page 3-36 of the DA Guide) ensure you:
    1. Set the rank/pay grade correctly (Job Code).
    2. Set the Date of Rank in accordance with the CGPC (rpm-1) memo (Job Code Entry Date).

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August 2008 Active Duty Enlisted Personnel Advancements

Published Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 14:10:01 CDT
The August Enlisted Personnel Advancement Announcement (ALCGENL 114/08) has been released.
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August Reserve Enlisted Advancements

Published Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 14:10:01 CDT
The August Enlisted Reserve Advancement Announcement (ALCGRSV 025/08) has been released.
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Agenda for 2008 PSC Customer Advisory Council Meeting/SPO Conference

Published Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 15:10:01 CDT


PSC's Annual Customer Advisory Council meeting/SPO Conference is scheduled for 24-26 September 2008 in Topeka, KS. The deadline for registering was 30 July. Thanks to all those who registered.

Topics of Discussion

Here is what we have planned for the 2008 SPO Conference in Topeka, KS:

  • This year's SPO Conference will focus on:
    • The Customer Service Tier support and the new Help Desk Expert Automation Tool (HEAT)-deployable survey processes
    • Travel Overview with the latest T-PAX enhancements
    • Accessions
    • PCS Transactions and Direct Access orders
    • Reserve Transactions
    • Coast Guard Business Intelligence (CGBI) cubes found in CG Central.
    • CGPC-EPM will also be in attendance to discuss the problems that are being encountered with contract submissions.
  • Representatives from Advancements, Separations, and the Exception Reporting Team will be on hand to discuss their respective branches and to answer questions.

  • Additionally, the Customer Relations Council will be conducting an open forum on how they can better serve the field.

Coast Guard Modernization

The Coast Guard is planning to establish a new mission support organization under what will be called the Deputy Commandant for Mission Support (CG-DCMS). The Congress is considering legislation that would authorize a Vice Admiral position at Headquarters. The existing Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1) will be one of many support components that will fall under the purview of DCMS. A planned part of this restructuring will be a new organization to be called the Personnel Service Center (PSC). The PSC will include all the Coast Guard entities that provide services to the field, and its commander will be a Rear Admiral reporting directly to CG-1. What is now PSC Topeka will be renamed the "Pay and Personnel Center (PPC)" and report directly to the new PSC Ballston command.

A representative from the PSC implementation team will address the audience of the Customer Advisory Council/SPO Conference held in Topeka 24-26 September 2008. Conference attendees can expect to learn first hand about the restructuring efforts under DCMS, CG-1 and PSC Ballston and how all of that will facilitate greater flexibility and responsiveness to the Coast Guard's rapidly changing personnel needs.

Uniform & Civilian Attire

The uniform for the conference will be Tropical Blue Long for Wednesday and Thursday with civilian attire (business casual) for Friday. If you chose to wear civilian attire on Friday, the following guidelines apply:

  • Dress or casual slacks
  • Collared shirts (tucked into pants)
  • Dress shoes
  • Non-revealing attire for women: Conservative dresses, dress or casual slacks, blouse & skirt, etc.

Location & Lodging:

The Kansas Museum of History will be the location this year. Hotel arrangements can be made with any hotel in the area (be sure to ask for the government rate). The address of the museum is 6425 SW 6th Avenue, Topeka, KS 66615. Directions can be found at: http://www.kshs.org/places/kshs/map.htm.

Make your flight (KCI-Kansas City Airport) and car rental arrangements (KCI to Topeka) today! If you know someone who is attending from another unit you may want to carpool to save on costs.

We hope to see you at this year's meeting!

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VA Announces On-Line Claims Application

Published Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 11:10:01 CDT

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced, on 16 July 2008, that on-line applications are now accepted from veterans, survivors and other claimants filing initial applications for disability compensation, pension, education, and vocational rehabilitation and employment benefits without the additional requirement to submit a signed paper copy of the application.

Effective immediately, VA will now process applications received through its on-line application website (VONAPP) without the claimant's signature. The electronic application will be sufficient authentication of the claimant's application for benefits. Normal development procedures and rules of evidence will still apply to all VONAPP applications.

VONAPP (www.va.gov/onlineapps.htm) is a Web-based system that benefits both internal and external users. Veterans, survivors and other claimants seeking compensation, pension, education, or vocational rehabilitation benefits can apply electronically without the constraints of location, postage cost, and time delays in mail delivery.

VONAPP reduces the number of incomplete applications received by VA, decreasing the need for additional development by VA claims processors. The on-line application also provides a link to apply for VA health care benefits and much more.

Over 3.7 million veterans and beneficiaries receive compensation and pension benefits from VA and approximately 523,000 students receive education benefits. Approximately 90,000 disabled veterans participate in VA's Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment program.

For more information about VA benefits, go to VA's website at www.va.gov or call their toll-free number at 1-800-827-1000.

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Maternity Uniform Allowance Rate Change

Published Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 14:10:01 CDT

The amount for the Maternity Uniform Allowance will increase on 1 July 2008 to $262.82.

This amount covers the purchase price of the following uniform items:

QtyDescription Cost (each) Total
1 Maternity Jumper $34.97 $ 34.97
2 Maternity Dress Shirt (Short Sleeve) $22.15 $ 44.30
1 Maternity Dress Shirt (Long Sleeve) $24.21 $ 24.21
2 Maternity Dress Slacks $24.67 $ 49.34
2 Maternity ODU Shirt $30.44 $ 60.88
2 Maternity ODU Trousers $24.56 $ 49.12

Members submit requests for payment of Maternity Uniform Allowance on form CG-PSC-5155, Enlisted Supplementary Clothing Allowance Worksheet (http://www.uscg.mil/hq/cg1/psc/forms/psc5155.pdf). The allowance is not payable more than one time in a three year period.

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Servicing Personnel Office Newsletter

Published Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 13:10:01 CDT

Issue 02/08 of the Servicing Personnel Office (SPO) Newsletter is available. This issue includes the following articles:

  • Dates Announced for the 2008 SPO Conference/PSC Customer Advisory Council Meeting
  • Repaying Travel Overpayments by Check or Money Order
  • Enlistment Bonuses
  • Annual Purchase Limit for Savings Bonds
  • Termination of DA User Access
  • SGLI and VGLI Premium Reductions Effective 1 July 2008
  • Award Administrative Responsibilities
  • Mailing of Personally Identifiable Information
  • Using the T-PAX Forgotten Password Reset Feature
  • Processing PCS Travel Advance Requests in T-PAX
  • How to Calculate the Cost of a "GTR"

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May 2008 Servicewide Exam Advancement Eligibility List

Published Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 10:10:01 CDT

The May 2008 SWE Advancement Eligibility List has been posted to CGCENTRAL. Access it via this menu path:

My Workspace > Career Management > Enlisted > Advancement > May 2008 SWE Advancement Eligibility List

The Profile Letters are available via Direct Access Self Service

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SPO Timeliness Data Cube

Published Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 10:50:01 CDT

E-Mail ALSPO message E/08 announces the SPO Timeliness Data Cube in CG Central. PSC is fully committed to Commandant's Intent Action Orders (CIAO) No. 5 which is USCG Financial Management Transformation and CFO Audit Remediation. In keeping with this effort, one of the key areas that PSC would like to improve on is timeliness of document submission.

Improvement in this area would drastically cut down on underpayments and overpayments and also provide correct TIMELY payments to our CG members.

This is a fantastic tool to use for management, training, and process improvement. Please see what your SPO can do to improve timeliness of document submission. Our CG members expect a level of excellence from us and we have a responsibility to give that to them.
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Published Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 09:30:00 CDT

1. Awarding authority. Immediately upon approval of an award, forward copies to the Servicing Personnel Office (SPO) for entrance into Direct Access, and to Commander, Coast Guard Personnel Command (CGPC-adm-3), (with member's EMPLID on the upper right hand corner of the citation) for file in the permanent record.

2. Prior service members. CG personnel who have served in another branch of the Armed Forces who have received personal, good conduct, unit, campaign and/or service awards COMDTINST M1650.25D (Enclosure 22) are authorized to wear them on the Coast Guard uniform with the exception of marksmanship medals and ribbons.

3. Awards from other organizations and agencies. CG personnel are not authorized to wear awards from non-military organizations or government agencies except those specifically allowed by this manual. This restriction includes, but is not limited to:

(a) USCG Auxiliary awards;
(b) Awards from state and local governments;
(c) Awards from fraternal organizations (VFW, etc.).

4. If the Honor or Award Code is not present, contact CWO Hughes COMDT (CG-1221) to see if the award should be added to the database. If the award should be added, you can contact PSC to complete the transaction.

5. There seems to be a lot of confusion with the Combat Action Badge that has been awarded to some of our members of the Coast Guard. It is not a Combat Action Ribbon and should not be entered into Direct Access as a Combat Action Ribbon.

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New Medals and Awards Manual

Published Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 09:30:00 CDT

COMDTINST M1650.25D of 05 May 2008.

Major changes in this revision include: clarification of Operational Distinguishing Device policy, award criteria for ribbons and medals established since the previous edition of the Manual, guidance for prior service members, clarification and expansion of administrative procedures and record retention requirements, and new and updated enclosures.
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Direct Access Reserve Mobilization Orders Changes

Published Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 14:50:01 CDT

E-Mail ALSPO message D/08 promulgates new procedures for preparing and cancelling reserve mobilization orders.

New data fields have been added for recording a member's eligibility for the Early Identification Program and the Reserve Educational Assistance Program. Other changes, not specific to these benefit programs, are discussed in this message as well.

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Foreign Language Proficiency Pay (FLPP)

Published Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 11:50:01 CDT

ALCOAST 195/08 extended the FLPP certification to 1 September 2008 for those members who were serving either as a unit interpreter or in a linguist billet and receiving FLPP (or would be receiving FLPP but for expiration of certification). The extension also applies to members who were serving as an interpreter or linguist at their previous duty station until PCS. E-Mail ALSPO C/08 provides updated procedures for entering FLPP entitlements.

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Annual Purchase Limit For Savings Bonds Reduced to $5,000

Published Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:15:01 CDT

The annual limitation on purchases of United States Savings Bonds is $5,000 per Social Security Number, effective January 1, 2008. The limit applies separately to Series EE and Series I savings bonds, and separately to bonds issued in paper or electronic form. Under the new rules, an individual can buy a maximum of $5,000 worth of electronic and paper bonds of each series in a single calendar year, or a total of $20,000, in single ownership form. If paper bonds are issued in co-ownership form, the limit applies to the first-named co-owner. All limits are based on the issue price of the securities.

Members should be advised of this annual limit change. The pay system will not track and stop bond allotments when the limit is reached.

For more information about the change in the purchase limit for savings bonds, visit the Treasury Department's frequently asked questions page.

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Getting the link to an Excel File to Work in Direct-Access

Published Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:10:01 CDT

File Downloads

Set Internet Explorer to allow downloading and opening files with certain extensions (XLS for MS Excel spreadsheets, PDF for Adobe Acrobat files, etc.)

Note: Set Internet Explorer to allow pop-ups, as described in the DA Online Help, before performing this procedure.




Navigate to the Personnel at a Dept. (CG_Dept_Run) (Self Service > Self Service > Self Service for Commands > Use > Command Information)


Click the tab


Click the button


Press and hold down the Control key (CTRL) on your keyboard while clicking the "To Excel" link


Continue holding down the Control Key until the following dialog appears:


Remove the checkmark next to "Always ask before opening this type of file"

Warning: This will effect all internet sites you access with Internet Explorer. You can just click Open and not remove the checkmark but you will need to press and hold the control key any time you click a link to a file with this type of extension.


Click the Open button or the Save button.

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Termination of DA User Access Upon Separation or PCS/Fleet-Up

Published Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2008 15:40:01 CDT

With Permanent Change of Station season (PCS) upon us, the PSC Customer Care Branch would like to remind our customers that their Direct Access Roles are terminated upon separation, retirement, reassignment of duties (Fleet-Ups), change of organization or when determined by the Information Systems Security Officer to be in the best interest of the Government.

Please note that users who have been reassigned (PCS, Change of Department IDs) will retain Self Service access.

This reminder is important from the perspective that our branch has been receiving calls from the field stating something to the effect, "Yesterday I had all my access roles and today I have nothing. What changed from yesterday to today?"

Any one of the scenarios mentioned above can result in termination of access. The member's first step should be to engage their unit and let them know that they no longer have access. The member's unit can then research the situation and submit a new Direct Access User Authorization form (CG PSC-7421/2) if appropriate.
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SGLI and VGLI Premium Reductions Effective 1 July 2008

Published Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 10:40:01 CDT

Veterans and military personnel with life insurance policies managed by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will see a reduction in their premiums, thanks to improved investment earnings and a reduction in non-combat claims.

The premium cuts affect military personnel covered by Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (SGLI) and veterans covered by the Veterans' Group Life Insurance (VGLI).

On July 1, 2008, the premiums for basic SGLI will be 6.5 cents per month for $1,000 of coverage, down from 7 cents per month for $1,000. This translates into a 7 percent savings.

Servicemembers with the maximum $400,000 of coverage will see their monthly premium reduced from $28 to $26. Servicemembers are also covered against severe traumatic injury for an additional dollar each month.

The reduction in SGLI premiums is made possible by lower, non-combat-related claims and increases in investment earnings. VA officials believe this premium reduction will help maintain the nearly universal participation in the program.

VGLI provides renewable term policies for people after their discharges from the military. Veterans pay premiums according to their age for this coverage.

On July 1, 2008, VGLI premium rates will be reduced for veterans aged 30 to 64, who make up 85 percent of those insured under the program. Premium rates for those under age 30 are already competitive.

Premium reductions, ranging from 4 percent to 12 percent, are a result of fewer claims being received. The reductions will ensure that VGLI remains highly competitive with similar insurance offered by commercial insurers.

More than 2.4 million people currently participate in the VA-managed SGLI program, with another 433,000 in VGLI. To obtain more information about the SGLI and VGLI premium reductions or to view a table with the new VGLI rates, visit the VA insurance Web site at www.insurance.va.gov, or call the Office of Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance at 1-800-419-1473.

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Subsistence Policy for Inactive Duty For Training (IDT) on Career Sea Pay-Eligible Vessels With Appropriated Fund (APF) Dining Facilities

Published Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2008 17:40:01 CST

Background: PSC has identified 179 personnel with 5772 occurrences who were erroneously paid IDT COMRATS while performing IDT aboard a sea-pay eligible vessel.

Policy: Per Coast Guard Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28 (series), Para 2.b.7.a.(1), enlisted reservists performing IDT with pay on career sea pay-eligible vessels with Appropriated Fund (APF) dining facilities aboard shall receive subsistence-in-kind (SIK).

Direct Access Data Entry Procedure: When completing the "Meal Elig" field on the schedule drills detail page for members performing IDT aboard a sea-pay eligible vessel, always select the "Mess Avail" option.

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New Procedures for Reporting TDY in Direct Access

Published Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 11:00:00 CST

E-Mail ALSPO message A/08 announces the elimination of the Direct Access TDY Entitlements (P620 - Change Subsistence and/or Career Sea Duty Entitlements Due to TDY/Permissive Orders) transaction and transmits new procedures for recording changes to enlisted Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) and/or Career Sea Duty Pay/Time (CSP) for members performing temporary duty (TDY).

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Last Modified 8/11/2008