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AT&T-Media One Merger Page

Last updated 4/18/01.

On July 7 and 15, l999, AT&T Corp. ("AT&T") and MediaOne Group, Inc. ("MediaOne") filed joint applications under Sections 214 and 310(d) of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. Sections 214, 310(d), requesting Commission approval of the transfer of control to AT&T of licenses and authorizations held by subsidiaries of MediaOne and entities controlled by MediaOne. This transfer of control would take place as the result of a merger of AT&T and MediaOne, with AT&T becoming the parent company of MediaOne. After the merger, MediaOne would be merged into a wholly-owned subsidiary of AT&T. The licenses and authorizations currently held by MediaOne subsidiaries or entities controlled by MediaOne would continue to be held by those entities, as controlled indirectly by AT&T.

On June 5, 2000, the Federal Communications Commission gave a conditioned approval to the transfer of control of licenses and authorizations from MediaOne to AT&T. The FCC ordered AT&T within six months of completion of the merger to inform the Commission what interests it will divest to come into compliance with the FCC's horizontal ownership rule. This rule prohibits a single cable company from serving more than 30% of the nation's multichannel video programming distribution subscribers, who are served primarily by cable television and direct broadcast satellite services. The FCC concluded that the merged firm without divestitures would have served 41.8% of the nation's MVPD subscribers. For further details: [Order: MS Word | Text | News Release ]

On December 15, 2000, AT&T informed the Commission what interests it will divest to come into compliance with the FCC's horizontal ownership rule with the following letter: [ MS Word | Text ]. On December 18, 2000, Deborah A. Lathen, Chief, Cable Services Bureau wrote a letter to AT&T, seeking clarification of AT&T's election letter: [ MS Word | Text ]. On December 19, 2000, AT&T Responded to Deborah A. Lathen's Letter of December 18, 2000. On December 21, 2000, the Commission issued an Order in which we found that AT&T had not complied with Ordering Clause paragraph 187 and Appendix B, Section (f)(1), of the Merger Order issued in this proceeding: [Order: MS Word | Text | Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Harold W. Furchtgott-Roth: MS Word | Text]

On March 14, 2001, the FCC released an Order denying the Petition To Reconsider Approval of the AT&T and MediaOne Merger. The action does not address issues on remand from appeals court case: [Order: MS Word | Text | News Release: MS Word | Text | Erratum and Separate Statement of Commissioner Harold W. Furchtgott-Roth: MS Word | Text]

On March 19, 2001, the FCC released an Order on the suspension of AT&T-MediaOne compliance deadlines.

To view the parties' Application, or the Comments and Reply Comments filed in this proceeding, go to the ECFS Page.  Select the "Search the ECFS System" link (or the alternate link if the main link does not respond), enter "99-251" in the "Proceeding" box, and press the "Retrieve Document List" button. (For a complete hard-copy set of these comments, contact Qualex International at 202-863-2893.)

On Friday, February 4, 2000, the Cable Services Bureau convened a Public Forum on the proposal of AT&T and MediaOne to transfer to AT&T the control of licenses and authorizations held by subsidiaries of MediaOne and entities controlled by MediaOne. The following are documents related to that public forum:

You can listen to the public forum at the following link: http://www.fcc.gov/realaudio/. In addition, the following are the submitted versions of testimony from the participants. (Please also note that these documents were scanned into the computer from hardcopies, and, as a result, may contain errors.) All documents are Adobe Acrobat format:

Other Related Materials:

Public Notice: [WordPerfect | Text]

Protective Order: [WordPerfect | Text]

Request for Documents: [MSWord | Text]

Letter Concerning Further Negotiations for Documents with AT&T: [MSWord | Text]

Letter Concerning Further Negotiations for Documents with MediaOne: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC, a Narrative Description of Their Document Production: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC, a Narrative Description of Their Document Production: [MSWord | Text]

Letter Concerning AT&T's Compliance With the FCC's Horizontal Ownership and Attribution Rules: [MSWord | Text]

Request for Documents: [ Cover Letter: MSWord | Text | Document Request: MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to GTE Requesting Data From GTE's Filing: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From GTE to AT&T Responding to AT&T's Request: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC Concerning the Timing of Their Response to Our Horizontal Ownership and Attribution Rules: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC, a Partial Response to the Request for Documents of 11/3/99: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC, Further Response to the Request for Documents of 11/3/99: [MSWord | Text]

Letter and Ex Parte Comments From AT&T Regarding Compliance With Our Horizontal Ownership and Attribution Rules: [ Cover Letter: MSWord | Text | Ex Parte Comments: MSWord | Text] (Note: Exhibits to the Ex Parte Comments were not provided electronically. They can be obtained from ITS (202-857-3800), ECFS, and the Reference Room.)

Letter from Deborah A. Lathen, Chief, Cable Services Bureau to Andrew J. Schwartzman, President and CEO, Media Access Project: [ MSWord | Text ]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC Concerning Filing of Documents Under Seal: [MSWord | Text]

Public Notice Regarding AT&T's Showing Concerning FCC Horizontal Ownership and Attribution Rules: [MSWord | Text | List of Pleadings Filed in Response to the Public Notice]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC Concerning Filing of Documents Under Seal: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC, a Partial Response to the Request for Documents of 11/3/99: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC Concerning an Ex Parte Filing: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC: An Ex Parte Filing Concerning the Century Transaction: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC Concerning Filing of Documents Under Seal: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T, Mindspring, and the Chairman, FCC Local & State Government Advisory Committee to Chairman Kennard: [ Cover Letter: MSWord | Text | Letter: MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC Concerning Filing of Documents Under Seal: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC Concerning Filing of Documents Under Seal: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC Identifying Filed Documents: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC Concerning Filing of Documents Under Seal: [MSWord | Text]

Request for Documents: [ Cover Letter: MSWord | Text | Document Request: MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC in Response to the Questions of 12/22/99: [MSWord | Text]

Order Establishing Sur-Reply Comment Period and Extending the Period for Oral Ex Parte Meetings: [MSWord | Text]

Cable Services Bureau to Hold Public Forum on Proposal of AT&T Corporation and MediaOne Group, Inc. to Transfer Control of Licenses: [MSWord | Text]

Letter from Deborah A. Lathen, Chief, Cable Services Bureau to Andrew J. Schwartzman, President and CEO, Media Access Project: [ MSWord | Text ]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC: An Ex Parte Filing Concerning the Broadband Market: [MSWord | Text]

Letter from AT&T to Deborah A. Lathen, Chief, Cable Services Bureau Concerning Public Interest Benefits: [ MSWord | Text ]

Letter From AT&T in Response to CSB Requests for Information on Teleport Communications Group, Viewer's Choice, and Local Franchising Authority Actions: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T Concerning Compliance With Channel Occupancy Rules: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T Updating Subscribership Ownership Information: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From MediaOne Concerning the Timing of the Sale of Its Interest in Time Warner Telecom Inc.: [ Cover Letter: MSWord | Text | Letter: MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC, Describing the Cable Telephony Penetration Chart that Was Included in AT&T's letter to Deborah Lathen, Dated February 22, 2000: [MSWord | Text]

Letter from Cable Services Bureau to AT&T and MediaOne requesting information regarding subscriber count and Time Warner Entertainment Limited Partnership Agreement.: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC, Revised Subscriber Certification Letter: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC, Further Explanation of the Cable Telephony Penetration Chart that Was Included in AT&T's Letter to Deborah Lathen, Dated February 22, 2000: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC Concerning Proposed Safeguards Relating to Video Programming: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T Regarding Closing of Time Warner Telecom Transaction: [ Cover Letter: MSWord | Text | Letter: MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC Updating Their Telephony Subscriber Numbers: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From MediaOne to the FCC Updating Their Telephony Deployment: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC Concerning Approval of License Transfers by Local Franchising Authorities: [MSWord | Text]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC Concerning Informing the Commission of What Interests it Will Divest To Come Into Compliance With the FCC's Horizontal Ownership Rule: [ MS Word | Text ]

Letter From Deborah A. Lathen, Chief, Cable Services Bureau to AT&T, Seeking Clarification of AT&T's Election Letter: [ MS Word | Text ]

Letter From AT&T to the FCC, a Response to Deborah A. Lathen's Letter of December 18, 2000.

Order in Which We Find That AT&T Had Not Complied With Ordering Clause Paragraph 187 and Appendix B, Section (f)(1), of the Merger Order Issued in this Proceeding: [Order: MS Word | Text | Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Harold W. Furchtgott-Roth: MS Word | Text]

FCC Releases Order Denying Petition To Reconsider Approval Of AT&T And MediaOne Merger; Action Does Not Address Issues On Remand From Appeals Court Case: [Order: MS Word | Text | News Release: MS Word | Text | Erratum and Separate Statement of Commissioner Harold W. Furchtgott-Roth: MS Word | Text]

FCC Releases Order on Suspension of AT&T-MediaOne Compliance Deadlines.

Commission Seeks Public Comment on AT&T-MediaOne License Transfer Conditions and Establishes Pleading Cycle on Petition for Reconsideration in CS Docket No. 99-251: [Public Notice: MS Word | Text]

Press inquiries should be directed to Michelle Russo via e-mail at MRUSSO@fcc.gov or at 202-418-2358. Send e-mail about this web page to the Webmaster at: awise@fcc.gov

Please send comments via standard mail to the Federal Communications Commission, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C., 20554. Questions can also be answered by calling the FCC's National Call Center, toll free, at 1-888-Call FCC (1-888-225-5322).

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