Facilitating Overseas Investment


Q. What Government offices/agencies can assist me in conducting business in a specific region?

A. There are numerous federal agencies available to assist you in your region of interest. Below is a regional list of offices:

Q. What private sector business organizations can help in my region?

A. Check the following organizations:

Q. What government agencies assist in Export Financing and Export Credit Insurance?

A. The U.S. Government encourages all U.S. exporters to use a "confirmed letter of credit" in business transactions to guard against non-payment by the recipient. The U.S. Ex-Im Bank can assist with

  • Export financial assistance and direct loans and loan guarantee programs
  • Obtaining export insurance that covers risks on export receivables
  • Working Capital Guarantee Program
The Small Business Administration (SBA) has numerous programs assisting small businesses to obtain guaranteed loans, capital and investment assistance.

Q. What agency can assist me with investment financing?

A. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) - Independent government agency that assists U.S. companies investing in emerging markets to help increase U.S. exports and promote economic growth.

Import and Export Bank- It was created to aid in financing and to facilitate U.S. exports. Today, this agency provides guarantees of working capital loans for U.S. exporters, guarantees the repayment of loans or makesloans to foreign purchasers of U.S. goods and services, and provides credit insurance against non-payment by foreign buyers for political or commercial risk

Q. Are there federal grants available for feasibility studies and technical assistance?

A. U.S. Trade Development Agency's (TDA) primary mission is to assist U.S. businesses in obtaining grants to conduct feasibility studies and/or technical assistance for major projects in developing and middle-income countries.