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Secretary Clinton's Travel to Haiti
Date: 04/16/2009 Location: Port-au-Prince, Haiti Description: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and President of the Republic of Haiti Rene Preval enter the President's private office at the National Palace in Port-au-Prince for a meeting before the press conference. State Dept PhotoWhile in Haiti, Secretary Clinton met with President Rene Preval to discuss issues of common concern including stability, security, and assistance.
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Haiti Donors ConferenceDate: 04/14/2009 Description: Secretary Clinton addresses Haiti Donors Conference, Washington, DC, April 14, 2009. State Dept Photo
Secretary Clinton:
"We are also committed to creating a hemisphere in which every nation, no matter their present level of wealth or their current political circumstances, is moving in the same direction, toward greater peace, prosperity, freedom, and opportunity. With Haiti, we have the chance through global cooperation and collaboration to stand in solidarity with a government and a people who are seeking that way forward, a nation where small investments and assistance from other countries are beginning to reap dividends in economic growth, wider access to education and healthcare, stronger governmental institutions, greater safety and security, and a higher quality of life that results when material conditions improve." -Full Text