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Indian Independence Day Message
Statement by Secretary Clinton.

Pakistan and India 
Deputy Department Spokesman Wood (Aug. 10): "This isn’t a zero-sum game. We have a very strong and growing partnership with India. We have a partnership with Pakistan that we’re trying to improve on. And we need to get away from these views of ... if we’re a supporter or we have a good relationship with India, that impacts the relationship with Pakistan. I understand that that’s how people in the region see it, but I think we really need to move away from this type of view in the 21st century." Daily Press Briefing 

Secretary Clinton's India Trip

U.S.-India Cooperation
Secretary Clinton and Indian Minister of External Affairs S. M. Krishna signed an agreement jointly creating a $30 million endowment to be used for joint research and development, innovation, entrepreneurial, and commercialization activities in science and technology. U.S. – India Agreements and Achievements | U.S. – India Joint Statement (July 20)


-Remarks at the Town Hall at Delhi University
-Remarks With Indian Minister of External Affairs S.M. Krishna
-Remarks Following ITC Green Building Tour and Discussion
-Remarks Following Tour of Indian Agricultural Research Institute Research Field
-Remarks at Mumbai Consulate Meet and Greet
-Interview With Arnab Goswami of Frankly Speaking on Times Now
-Remarks With Aamir Khan and Arnab Goswami, Moderator
-Remarks at SEWA Store for SEWA Hansiba Tour
-Remarks at Taj Palace Hotel
-Interview With Anwar Iqbal of Dawn Television
-Interview With Rajdeep Sardesai of CNN-IBN

Trip Background:

-On-the-Record Briefing - Remarks to the Press by State Department Spokesman Ian Kelly
-Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Upcoming Trip to India and Thailand

Pakistan and India 
Deputy Department Spokesman Wood (Aug. 10): "This isn’t a zero-sum game. We have a very strong and growing partnership with India. We have a partnership with Pakistan that we’re trying to improve on. And we need to get away from these views of ... if we’re a supporter or we have a good relationship with India, that impacts the relationship with Pakistan. I understand that that’s how people in the region see it, but I think we really need to move away from this type of view in the 21st century." Daily Press Briefing