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Working With Government of Japan
Deputy Spokesman Wood (July 21):
"We obviously will work with the current Japanese Government and with the future Government of Japan. We have a lot of important interests that we cooperate on. And Japan is a strong and important ally. We depend on Japan to deal with – to help us deal with a number of crises around the world, particularly with regard to North Korea. ... It’s an internal Japanese matter." Full Text | Video

U.S. and Japan Moving Forward on U.S. Force Realignment
On July 11, 2009 in Tokyo, Chargé d’Affaires Zumwalt and the Japanese Foreign Minister exchanged Notes pertaining to the transfer of funds provided by the Government of Japan to the U.S. Government in accordance with the Agreement on the Relocation of United States Marine Corps Personnel from Okinawa to Guam, signed by Secretary of State Clinton and Foreign Minster Nakasone on February 17, 2009. Media Note

U.S. - Japan Investment Initiative
Since 2001, the United States-Japan Investment Initiative has served as a forum for bilateral cooperation on issues related to foreign direct investment (FDI) in both countries.  2009 Report