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Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs

The Office of the Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs coordinates U.S. foreign relations on a variety of global issues, including democracy, human rights, and labor; environment, oceans, health and science; population, refugees, and migration; women's issues; and trafficking in persons and avian and pandemic influenza.

The Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) coordinates an extensive portfolio of issues related to science, health, the environment, and the world's oceans.

The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL leads U.S. efforts to promote democracy, protect human rights and international religious freedom, and advance labor rights globally.

The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) is responsible for formulating and implementing policies on population, refugees, and migration, and for administering U.S. refugee assistance and admissions programs. The Bureau coordinates U.S. international policy within the U.S. Government and through bilateral and multilateral diplomacy. PRM also administers and monitors U.S. contributions to international and non-governmental organizations to assist and protect refugees abroad and oversee admissions of refugees to the United States for permanent resettlement.

The Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs established the Avian Influenza Action Group (G/AIAG). The Avian Influenza Action Group coordinates U.S. international engagement - with international organizations, governments, non-governmental organizations and the private sector -- to contain the spread of avian influenza in poultry and to mitigate the global socioeconomic and security consequences of a potentially catastrophic human influenza pandemic.

The Office of the Science and Technology Adviser (G/STAS) provides S&T advice to the Department and USAID, works to enhance the S&T literacy and capacity of the Department of State, builds partnerships with the S&T community and strives to shape the global perspective on the emerging and "at the horizon" S&T developments.

The Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (G/TIP) provides the tools to combat trafficking in persons and assists in the coordination of anti-trafficking efforts both worldwide and domestically.

The Office of the Special Envoy for Human Rights in North Korea (G/SENK) coordinates and promotes efforts to improve the respect for fundamental human rights of the people of North Korea.