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Donald W. Landry

Donald W. Landry, M.D., Ph.D.

Council Member

Donald W. Landry, M.D., Ph.D., is Professor of Medicine, Director of the Division of Experimental Therapeutics, and Chair of the Department of Medicine at Columbia University. Dr. Landry completed his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry under R.B. Woodward at Harvard University in 1979 and obtained the M.D. degree from Columbia University in 1983.  After completing Residency in Internal Medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital, he returned to Columbia to join the faculty of Medicine. His basic research program focuses on drug discovery and artificial enzyme approaches to intractable drug targets, e.g., cocaine addiction. His  clinical research and clinical practice centers on his discovery in critical care medicine that vasopressin insufficiency contributes to vasodilatory shock and can be treated by vasopressin infusion. He and Columbia colleague Howard Zucker pioneered the alternative, embryo-sparing approach for the production of human embryonic stem cells based on the harvesting of live cells from dead embryos by extension of the established ethics for the harvesting of essential organs from deceased donors.

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