Wildlife Disease Association - Australasian Section





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The WDA is an international, non-profit organisation dedicated to wildlife conservation through sharing the study and understanding of diseases in wildlife.

There are several regional sections: This is the website for the Australasian Section. There are also African, European, Latin American, Nordic and Wildlife Veterinarian sections.

The parent body is based in North America.

Classified ads - see below.

The annual conference is on in December.

For 2009, we're off to New Zealand!

Check here to find out more

See you there!



Mission Statement

To acquire, disseminate and apply knowledge of the diseases of wild animals in relation to their biology, ecology, and conservation.

Want more information about who we are and what we do?

Want see some of us in action? Check out The Gallery.


The Section Executive has decided to establish a memorial to Anne Martin and is seeking contributions from members of the Australasian Section.

Given Anne’s passionate interest in monotremes, we propose to use the monies received to support a research project investigating an important health issue in monotremes, for example some aspect of Mucor amphibiorum infection in platypus.

Alternatively, should sufficient financial support be forthcoming from members, we may consider the possibility of investing that sum and using the accumulated interest for an occasional award to a student for presentation on a topic related to monotremes at the annual conference of the Australasian Section of the WDA.

We encourage all members to consider assisting us in this worthy tribute to our lost colleague.

Contributions should be paid directly into the WDA Account noting that they are for the Anne Martin Memorial Fund.

Bank details are:
Citibank Account
Name: Wildlife Disease Association (Australasian)
BSB: 243-300
Account Number: 470151374

Of course you can also write a cheque to the account name above. This should be forwarded to the new treasurer, Rupert Baker.
He can be contacted at rbaker@zoo.org.au

Thanking you in advance

The WDA-Aust Executive



For Sale:

One of Australias premier Bird and Wildlife Veterinary Clinics.
Long established and continuing to expand.
Secure lease premises.
Available after July 1st 2007.
Located in southern Adelaide.

Details via Clinic for Sale
PO Box 116
Unley SA 5061