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Argonne's Mark Peters discusses the future of nuclear energy on Chicago Public Radio

ARGONNE, Ill. (March 29, 2007) — Illinois has more nuclear reactors than any other state in the union, and as concerns about global warming grow, governments and energy companies are investing more and more in nuclear power.

Mark Peters, deputy to the associate laboratory director for applied science and technology at Argonne National Laboratory, joins host Steve Edwards of WBEZ Chicago Public Radio's Eight Forty-Eight show to discuss the advantages of nuclear energy.

Listen to the interview (4 kb m3u file)

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For more information, please contact Steve McGregor (630/252-5580 or at Argonne.


Listen to the interview (4 kb m3u file)

Mark Peters, Associate Director for Applied Science and Technology, Argonne National Laboratory
Mark Peters, deputy to the associate laboratory director for applied science and technology, Argonne National Laboratory. (Download hi-rez image.)

For more information, please contact Steve McGregor (630/252-5580 or at Argonne.

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