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 EIA Home > Petroleum > U.S. Retail Gasoline Prices

Weekly U.S. Retail Gasoline Prices, Regular Grade

 Dollars per gallon, including all taxes

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Change from
8/10/2009 8/17/2009 8/24/2009

week ago

year ago

U.S. 2.647 2.637 2.628 -0.009 -1.057
Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, D.C, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida 2.608 2.618 2.609 -0.009 -1.025
Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island 2.657 2.670 2.663 -0.007 -0.998
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, D.C. 2.651 2.671 2.666 -0.005 -0.999
Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida 2.560 2.562 2.550 -0.012 -1.052
Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma 2.593 2.547 2.545 -0.002 -1.142
Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico 2.524 2.514 2.488 -0.026 -1.031
Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, Utah 2.574 2.611 2.616 0.005 -1.218
Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii 2.954 2.962 2.950 -0.012 -0.956
Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii 2.806 2.814 2.809 -0.005 -1.013

California 3.040 3.047 3.031 -0.016 -0.924
Colorado 2.537 2.540 2.527 -0.013 -1.204
Florida 2.578 2.608 2.587 -0.021 -1.075
Massachusetts 2.590 2.609 2.605 -0.004 -0.970
Minnesota 2.565 2.537 2.494 -0.043 -1.155
New York State 2.786 2.815 2.811 -0.004 -1.020
Ohio 2.601 2.498 2.532 0.034 -1.150
Texas 2.528 2.524 2.500 -0.024 -0.994
Washington 2.873 2.880 2.880 0.000 -1.033

Boston 2.596 2.614 2.610 -0.004 -0.977
Chicago 2.735 2.693 2.706 0.013 -1.315
Cleveland 2.617 2.552 2.547 -0.005 -1.097
Denver 2.511 2.515 2.511 -0.004 -1.245
Houston 2.470 2.477 2.463 -0.014 -0.962
Los Angeles 3.050 3.043 3.030 -0.013 -0.921
Miami 2.709 2.698 2.689 -0.009 -1.094
New York City 2.672 2.689 2.684 -0.005 -0.991
San Francisco 3.062 3.066 3.053 -0.013 -0.973
Seattle 2.828 2.840 2.839 -0.001 -1.033

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U.S. Retail Gasoline Prices - 2 1/2 years
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