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June 2009 Prime Supplier Report (08/21/2009)
Primary petroleum product deliveries into States where they are locally marketed and consumed.

Monthly Flash Estimate (08/20/2009)
The August, 2009 issue of the Monthly Flash Estimate (MFE) of Electric Power Data is now available on EIA's Electricity page. MFE provides an early look at the highlights of the upcoming Electric Power Monthly publication and presents tables of electricity generation, fuel consumption for generation, fossil fuel stocks, and average retail sales and prices of electricity. MFE precedes the next issue of EPM by three weeks. The current issue covers an early review of the June, 2009 electricity data. The publication is available both in PDF and Excel formats and can be accessed at the following address: http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/epm/flash/flash.html

Form EIA-923 Generation by Unit, Fuel Consumption by Boiler, and Environmental Database (08/18/2009)
The Environmental Operational Data File for Final Form EIA-923 2007 data are now available. This data file includes unit level generation, boiler level fuel consumption, NOX control data, FGP data, and FGD data for steam-electric, organic-fueled electric power plants 10 megawatts and above, and by-product disposition, by-product financial data, and cooling system data for steam-electric, organic-fueled electric power plants 100 megawatts and above and are available as Excel files on EIAs Electricity Publications page.

Domestic Uranium Production Report - Quarterly (08/14/2009)
Second quarter 2009 update of uranium production in the United States and operating status of U.S. uranium mills and plants.

Electric Power Monthly (08/14/2009)
The latest EPM issue (August 2009) is now available on EIA's http://www.eia.doe.gov/fuelelectric.html. Data being published in the August 2009 EPM include May 2009 data. Historical copies of the EPM tables in Excel format have also been posted on the EIA website, dating back to the May 2003 publication of the EPM. These files can be accessed at the following address: http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/epm/epm_ex_bkis.html

Wholesale Market Data (08/13/2009)
This site contains spreadsheets with wholesale electricity price data from the Intercontinental Exchange through August 10, 2009 (latest web site update: August 13, 2009). The files contain peak prices, volumes, and number of transactions at six electricity trading hubs covering most regions of the United States.

International Petroleum Monthly - July 2009 (08/12/2009)
This report contains world petroleum production data through May 2009; and OECD country petroleum demand, imports, and stocks data through April 2009. Also included are international oil balance data for 2005-2009 and annual petroleum data series for 1970-2008. Please see What's New in the International Petroleum Monthly for details of important revisions in this month's report.

OPEC Revenues Fact Sheet (08/11/2009) (PDF - 0 meg)
Based on projections from the EIA August 2009 Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) could earn $555 billion of net oil export revenues in 2009 and $667 billion in 2010. Last year, OPEC earned $968 billion in net oil export revenues, a 42 percent increase from 2007. Saudi Arabia earned the largest share of these earnings, $285 billion, representing 29 percent of total OPEC revenues. On a per-capita basis, OPEC net oil export earning reached $2,680 in 2008, a 40 percent increase from 2007.

Short-Term Energy Carbon Dioxide Emissions Forecasts August 2009 (08/11/2009)
Supplement to the Short-Term Energy Outlook. Short-term projections for U.S. carbon dioxide emissions of the three fossil fuels: coal, natural gas, and petroleum.

Short-Term Energy Outlook August 2009 (08/11/2009)
Short-term energy projections for supply, demand, and price for the major fuels through 2010 for the U.S. Global oil forecasts are included.

Energy in Brief -- What is the status of the U.S. nuclear industry? (08/10/2009)
There are currently 104 commercial nuclear reactors at 65 nuclear power plants in 31 States. Since 1990, the share of the Nation's total electricity supply provided by nuclear power generation has averaged about 20%, with the level of nuclear generation growing at roughly the same rate as overall electricity use. Between 1980 and 1996, 33 new reactors were placed in service. In addition, nuclear generation has increased...

Oman Country Analysis Brief (08/05/2009)
Omans economy is heavily reliant on oil exports for revenue, though diversification into natural gas production has mitigated this to a degree. Roughly two-thirds of Omans total energy consumption comes from natural gas and the remainder comes from oil, reflecting the countrys relative abundance of oil and natural gas reserves. Omans future domestic energy consumption plans call for increased use of natural gas in energy generation in order to free up more oil for export.

Energy Market and Economic Impacts of H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy And Security Act of 2009 (08/04/2009)
This report responds to a request from Chairman Henry Waxman and Chairman Edward Markey for an analysis of H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (ACESA). ACESA, as passed by the House of Representatives on June 26, 2009, is a complex bill that regulates emissions of greenhouse gases through market-based mechanisms, efficiency programs, and economic incentives.

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