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Weekly Retail On-Highway Diesel Prices

24-hour hotline: 202-586-6966

Average All Types Ultra-Low Sulfur

Weekly Retail On-Highway Diesel Prices - Average All Types 
(Dollars per gallon, including all taxes)
Change from
week ago
Change from
year ago
U.S. 2.625 2.652 2.668 0.016 -1.477
    East Coast 2.665 2.687 2.692 0.005 -1.507
       New England 2.701 2.739 2.741 0.002 -1.641
       Central Atlantic 2.755 2.771 2.781 0.010 -1.579
       Lower Atlantic 2.624 2.646 2.649 0.003 -1.464
    Midwest 2.601 2.623 2.637 0.014 -1.436
    Gulf Coast 2.581 2.607 2.622 0.015 -1.476
    Rocky Mountain 2.573 2.633 2.671 0.038 -1.556
    West Coast 2.700 2.744 2.785 0.041 -1.501

    California 2.842 2.872 2.880 0.008 -1.479

                                                       Click on a Region to view graph of that Region
U.S. East Coast New England Central Atlantic Lower Atlantic
Midwest Gulf Coast Rocky Mountain West Coast California
U.S. Retail Diesel Prices - 2 1/2 years

NA: Data are not reported or are withheld due to accuracy concerns