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Heating Oil and Propane Update
The Heating Season is Over
The Heating Season is Over

The Heating Oil and Propane Update is produced during the winter heating season, which extends from October through March of each year. Data for residential and wholesale prices for heating oil and propane are only collected during the heating season. U.S. distillate and propane supply data, which includes stocks, production, and demand are available at This Week in Petroleum. The Heating Oil and Propane Update will commence updating at the beginning of the next heating season in October 2009.
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Petroleum Navigator PDF File XLS File
Petroleum Navigator PDF File XLS File
Petroleum Navigator PDF File XLS File
Petroleum Navigator PDF File XLS File
Petroleum Navigator PDF File XLS File
Petroleum Navigator PDF File XLS File
Petroleum Navigator PDF File XLS File
Petroleum Navigator PDF File XLS File
Winter Fuels Outlook
Short-Term Energy Outlook
Residential Heating Oil Prices: What Consumers Should Know
Propane Prices: What Consumers Should Know
This Week In Petroleum
Northeast Heating Oil Reserve
Release Schedule:  The data are published weekly and are updated every Wednesday after 1:00 p.m. (Eastern time).  For weeks which include Monday holidays, publication is delayed by one day.