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  38 Answers Available        of 2    Next Page
Summary   Summary - Sort Descending (Z to A) Summary - Sort Ascending (A to Z)
1 What is the "Part B" Medicare monthly premium for 2009?
2 What are the requirements to receive Medicare benefits?
3 How do I qualify and apply for Medicare?
4 When should I sign up for Medicare benefits?
5 What are the differences between Medicare Parts A, B, C and D?
6 If I retire at age 62 will I be eligible for Medicare at that time?
7 Will I automatically get Medicare benefits if I get disability benefits?
8 How do I replace my Medicare card?
9 Where do I find information on Medicare benefits?
10 How do I apply for Medicaid?
11 Does a spouse, age 62 receive Medicare when his/her aged 65 husband/wife does?
12 Can you apply for Medicare after you turn 65?
13 I am 65 and my wife, 62, receives wife's benefits. When does she get Medicare?
14 Is there an increase in premiums if I enroll in Medicare after age 65 and what is a special enrollment period (SEP)?
15 Is it true that you can get help paying Medicare premiums?
16 Will Medicare cover my medical expenses outside of the U.S.?
17 Does Medicare have an 800 number?
18 How do I withdraw from Medicare Part B?
19 Can I appeal the amount of my Medicare Part B premium?
20 Will a one-time increase in my income (for example, due to property sales or capital gains) affect my Part B premium forever?
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