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Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development & Climate Asia-Pacific Partnership
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Welcome to the U.S. Government's Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate Website!

Solar Panels  [iStock Photo 2008]The Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate is an innovative effort to accelerate the development and deployment of clean energy technologies. The Partnership employs a unique public-private partnership model that brings together industry stakeholders and government officials to achieve Partnership goals. The APP is an integral component of U.S. efforts to combat climate change, promote energy security, and foster international economic growth and cooperation.  

This website serves as the U.S. Homepage for the Asia-Pacific Partnership provides an opportunity to stay informed about the current and upcoming U.S. activities under the APP. To sign up for periodic updates, including a bi-monthly e-newsletter, upcoming Requests for Proposals (RFPs)/Requests for Assistance (RFAs), and information on U.S. involvement in meetings and events, please register in our Partnership Network.

For more information on the international Partnership, please visit the APP International website.


Date: 10/27/2008 Location: Cover Image Description: APP Cover Image  State Dept Photo

2008 Annual Report

U.S. Government Actions in Support of the
Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate

The United States believes in the power of public-private cooperation and practical, results-oriented activities when dealing with the combined challenges of energy security, economic growth, and climate change. The Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (APP) is a key piece of U.S. Government strategy to engage the world’s largest economies in meeting the challenge of a cleaner energy future. (Oct. 25) Report | 5.85 MB PDF

Eight U.S. APP Clean Energy Projects Receive Funding for Work in China

On Thursday, September 18th at the US-China-Australia Dialogue on Energy Security and Climate Change in Washington D.C., Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs Paula J. Dobriansky recently announced the eight projects newly selected from the Request for Assistance (RFA) that will receive over $6.7 million in USG funding and leverage more than $8 million in additional funding. These projects will make significant contributions to APP efforts to facilitate investment in clean technologies, accelerate the sharing of energy-efficient best practices, and identify policy barriers to the diffusion of clean energy technologies. Read press release here.

Recent U.S. Sponsored Results

Date: 12/05/2008 Description: Report Cover © USAID Photo

USAID/APP report: Indian energy efficiency investments offer low-risk, attractive returns.

The current investment potential for electricity efficiency in India could top USD $6 billion, according to a new report issued this week by USAID’s ECO-Asia Clean Development and Climate Program. The authors of the report note that “investments in industrial energy efficiency hold the potential to weather significant market fluctuations because they are provided to companies that have increased incentives to reduce energy costs during economic downturns to enhance competiveness.” The report details several barriers to energy-efficiency investments and describes available financial instruments to overcome these barriers. The report was commissioned by the U.S. Department of State through the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (APP) and USAID’s Regional Development Mission for Asia. With the support of APP and USAID, the ECO-Asia Clean Development and Climate Program is already helping two Indian states establish the first public funds dedicated to financing energy efficiency projects.  PDF

Date: 12/04/2008 Description: Mr. Jamshyd N Godrej of the Confederation of Indian Industry addressing a meeting of Indian CEOs Source: The Confederation of Indian Industry.  State Dept Photo

Indian Business Leaders Sign Code for Ecologically Sustainable Business Growth

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is drawing on the expertise of EPA’s Climate Leaders Program to foster environmentally friendly business growth in India. CII is leading a signature campaign to solicit voluntary commitments from major Indian companies to reduce their environmental impact by signing the “Code for Ecologically Sustainable Business Growth.” The voluntary code, which consists of annual percentage targets such as reductions in energy consumption, reductions in water consumption and waste production, increases in the usage of renewable energy sources, etc., has been signed by 146 Indian companies as of November 2008, including some of the largest firms in the nation. The annual targets, which are developed in consultation with CII to address the specific needs and abilities of each individual firm, last for a period of ten years, creating a culture of environmental awareness that will last far beyond the annual commitments of the companies. CII estimates that the total number of signatories may reach 500 by the time the campaign has completed.

More information on this U.S. led Project.

Date: 12/05/2008 Description: Karnatka state shopowner Abdul Hamid, who recently purchased a Solectric 120 system from an APP-facilitated Orb Energy branch.  Source: Orb Energy State Dept Photo

Orb Energy Taps into India’s Solar Potential

Through a State Department-funded APP project, Orb Energy is expanding the commercial solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal market in India to 100 new branch locations beyond the state of Karnataka where Orb has its head-quarters and most of its existing operations. The project facilitates market-scoping activities in the neighbouring states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Kerala, where solar potential is enormous and customers have few to no options to buy solar solutions and services on a financed basis. Orb's PV systems are used for back-up power and a range of solar lighting solutions. Its solar thermal systems are used for hot water. The expanded use of solar energy technologies offer significant promise for climate protection in India, as solar systems lower GHG emissions through the displacement of kerosene, diesel fuel and grid electricity. Orb’s unique franchise model also advances local sustainable economic growth and entrepreneurship. The new locations will reach many rural customers that currently suffer up to up to, and in excess of, 12-13 hours of power cuts each day. Already well ahead of schedule, by 2010 this project will realize the installation of more than 1 MW of PV systems, and is expected to eliminate 50,000 tons of CO2 emissions.

More information on this U.S. led Project.


Date: 12/03/2008 Location: China Description: Senator Maria Cantwell, Charg© d

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Signs MOU to Implement Building Energy Codes in China

On Wednesday, December 3, Under Secretary Paula Dobriansky participated in a Treaty Room signing ceremony between DOS and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). Mike Davis, Associate Laboratory Director, signed on behalf of PNNL. Senator Maria Cantwell and Chargé d’Affaires Xie Feng of the Chinese Embassy to the United States provided opening comments and support for the innovative project, of which PNNL senior scientist Meredydd Evans gave an overview. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that was signed signifies cooperation between DOS and PNNL on a new energy efficiency project in China under the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (APP). The APP is an innovative public-private partnership that brings together seven countries – Australia, Canada, China, India, Japan, Korea, and the United States – to accelerate the development and deployment of cleaner, more efficient technologies. Through this MOU and a recent APP grant awarded by DOS, PNNL will work toward developing and implementing building energy codes in China in two pilot cities. The project is expected to yield significant impacts at both the local and national levels, leading to improved energy efficiency in buildings and the replication of developed implementation designs in other Chinese cities. Remarks

APP Regional Briefings Draw California Clean Tech Industry

In October, the California Energy Commission and United States Energy Association co-hosted two briefings on the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate in Los Angeles and San Jose, California. Additional supporting organizations included the Cal-Asia Business Council, the U.S.-China Energy Efficiency Alliance, and the Monterey Bay International Trade Association. Government agency representatives from DOS, EPA, DOE, OPIC, and the U.S. Commercial Service, as well as private sector participants from Solar Turbines and the National Association of State Energy Officials gathered to share the initiative's successes, as well as the services and opportunities available to clean technology manufacturers, system integrators, and project developers. The event drew an audience of over forty private sector attendees, many with an interest in doing business in China and India. Attendees were enthusiastic about the "new and different" information presented, several of them eager to get involved.