Federal Aviation Administration

Aviation Safety Inspectors

Updated: 12:42 pm ET April 3, 2008

Aviation Safety Inspectors (ASIs) are the FAA's on-site detectives. Inspectors develop, administer, investigate and enforce safety regulations and standards for the production, operation, maintenance and modification of all aircraft flying today. There are many different types of ASIs. The four key disciplines are:

Evaluate avionics technicians, training programs and repair facilities. They investigate violations involving incidents/accidents of the Federal Aviation Regulations, including both general and air carrier industries. They are also responsible for inspecting aircraft and all related equipment.
Evaluate aviation mechanics, their facilities and training programs as well as inspect aircraft and related equipment for airworthiness. They investigate violations involving incidents/accidents of the Federal Aviation Regulations, including both general and air carrier industries.
Evaluate airmen, their training programs, equipment and facilities. They investigate violations involving incidents/accidents of the Federal Aviation Regulations, including both general and air carrier industries.
Inspect aircraft, aircraft parts, avionics equipment and monitor manufacturing facilities as well as issue production and original airworthiness certifications


Qualifications vary according to job position. U.S. citizenship and pre-employment drug screening are required for some positions. A complete list of qualification requirements for ASI positions is available in Vacancy Announcement FAA-FS-08-ASI-101623.

Avionics Safety Inspectors For Air Carriers or General Aviation

Avionics Safety Inspectors evaluate avionics technicians, training programs and repair facilities. They investigate violations involving incidents/accidents of the Federal Aviation Regulations, including both general and air carrier industries. They are also responsible for inspecting aircraft and all related equipment.


Applicants must have experience involving the maintenance and repair of avionics systems. All positions require three years of supervisory experience in aircraft avionics as a lead mechanic or repairman. Applicants must also pass a security background investigation and be a United States citizen.

A complete list of qualification requirements and specialized experience are available for your review in the Vacancy Announcement (FAA-FS-08-ASI-101623)

If you meet the requirements for the Avionics Safety Inspector positions, you can Apply Online.

For additional information, please refer to ASI Job FAQs.

Maintenance Safety Inspectors For Air Carriers or General Aviation

Maintenance Safety Inspectors evaluate aviation mechanics, their facilities and training programs as well as inspect aircraft and related equipment for airworthiness. They investigate violations involving incidents/accidents of the Federal Aviation Regulations, including both general and air carrier industries.


Applicants must have experience in the maintenance and repair of airframes, power plants and aircraft systems. Both options require 3 years of supervisory experience in aviation maintenance as a lead mechanic or repairman and possess an FAA mechanic certificate with airframe and powerplant ratings.

All applicants must pass a security background investigation and be a United States citizen.

A complete list of qualification requirements and specialized experience are available for your review in the Vacancy Announcement (FAA-FS-08-ASI-101623).

Operations Safety Inspectors For Air Carriers or General Aviation

Air Carrier and General Aviation Operations Inspectors evaluate airmen, their training programs, equipment and facilities. They investigate violations involving incidents/accidents of the Federal Aviation Regulations, including both general and air carrier industries.


Applicants must have a minimum of 1500 total flight hours as a pilot or co-pilot and hold an airline transport pilot certificate or a commercial pilot certificate with instrument airplane rating.

Applicants must also pass a security background investigation and be a United States citizen as well as possess a valid, first-class medical and pass recurrent medical examinations. An initial drug screening is also required.

A complete list of qualification requirements and specialized experience are available for your review Vacancy Announcement (FAA-FS-08-ASI-101623).

General Aviation Safety Inspector FAQs

These FAQs apply to Avionics, Maintenance, and Operations Inspector positions.

How do I apply for Aviation Safety Inspector positions?
Apply Online then follow the instructions for the Aviation Safety Inspector position.
Why can't I submit training records, SF-171, resume' or veteran's preference when applying for these positions?
The online application process is quite extensive. Your aviation related experience will be fully evaluated by aircraft type, FARs, certificates, etc. If you are referred for employment consideration, you will be required to provide documents including licenses, certifications, and logbooks to support the application submitted.
What changes am I allowed to make to my online application?
Your application can be updated by accessing the online system. The only changes you can make are to your Contact information and Professional Qualifications Summary. If additional experience is acquired you will either need to contact the Aviation Careers Division at (405) 954-4657, by fax at (405) 954-8531 or by e-mail or reapply.
How are applicants selected?
As Flight Standards District Offices (FSDO) have positions to be filled, they request a list of eligible applicants who meet the criteria for the positions. Selections are made from these referral lists. With your user ID and password you can access the online system to determine if you have been placed on a referral list. The information is under the View Referral List tab.
How soon will I be selected after I have established eligibility for an Aviation Safety Inspector position?
There is no way to know if or when an applicant will be selected for a position. Each FSDO has a unique inspection mission. As vacancies occur, the FSDO manager will determine what skills are necessary and at what level the vacancy will be filled.
How does living overseas affect my employment opportunities with the FAA for Aviation Safety Inspector positions?
To be eligible for the ASI occupation all applicants must be a U.S. Citizen. You may be considered and selected for these vacancies. An interview may be conducted by telephone; however, any travel associated with the pre-employment process will be at your expense.
Will the government pay for my moving expenses if I am selected?
No. Expenses are not authorized for relocation in conjunction with an initial appointment.
I will be getting out of the military in 6 months and have been rated eligible for Aviation Safety Inspector positions. If my name is referred to a region for employment consideration and I am not available to accept the position, what will happen to my application?
If you are unable to accept a position because you are not available, your records will be inactivated. When you become available you can access the online system and reapply.
Is it appropriate for me to contact the Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) where I would like to be employed?
Yes. FSDO locations and addresses are available online.
Why do I have to reapply each year?
Submitting a new application gives you the opportunity to provide the most up-to-date information concerning your education, training, and experience. It also assures selecting officials receive the most current information on applicants.
What office can I contact if I have additional questions about my application and/or the application process?
If you have additional questions or need assistance, contact the Aviation Careers Division at (405) 954-4657, by fax at (405) 954-8531 or by e-mail.

Manufacturing Safety Inspectors

Inspect aircraft, aircraft parts, avionics equipment and monitor manufacturing facilities as well as issue production and original airworthiness certifications.


Applicants must have experience in either the area of quality control/quality assurance systems, methods and techniques in the manufacture of aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers or class II products, or in the issuance of original airworthiness certificates or original expert airworthiness approvals for aircraft, engines, propellers, and class II products.

Manufacturing FAQs

How does the FAA hire Manufacturing Inspectors?
Manufacturing inspectors are hired primarily from a national register or pool of qualified applicants. To apply, candidates must complete the application process. Once a candidate's application information is assessed, they will receive a Notice of Results (NOR), which will identify whether the applicant is eligible or ineligible for these positions. All qualified candidates, who complete the application process, are eligible for employment consideration for a period of one year. As vacancies occur, selecting officials will request a list of eligible candidates meeting specific criteria from this pool of qualified applicants.
Do I need to submit proof of veterans' preference at the time I apply?
Yes. To claim veterans' preference, submit a copy of your DD-214, Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge, and if applicable, an SF-15, Application for 10-Point Veteran Preference.
How do I change geographic locations and other personal information in my record?
Contact the Aviation Careers Division Office at (405) 954-4657, by fax at (405) 954-8531, or by e-mail. After the information is updated, you will receive a new Notice of Results reflecting the changes.
How do I update my work experience, ratings, certificates and/or designations?
Contact the Aviation Careers Division Office at (405) 954-4657, by fax at (405) 954-8531, or by e-mail and submit an amendment to your application.
How soon will I be selected after I have established eligibility for these positions?
There is no way to know if or when an applicant will be selected. Each MIDO has a unique inspection mission. As vacancies occur, the MIDO manager will determine what skills are necessary and at what level the vacancy can be filled.
How do I know if my name has been referred to a region for employment consideration for an Aviation Safety Inspector position?
Contact the Aviation Careers Division Office at (405) 954-4657 or by fax at (405) 954-8531, or by e-mail.
If my name is referred to a region for employment consideration and I want to be considered for a different region, what procedure do I follow to remove my name from the referral list?
Contact the Aviation Careers Division Office at (405) 954-4657 or by fax at (405) 954-8531, or by e-mail.
How does living overseas affect my employment opportunities with the FAA?
To be eligible for the ASI occupation all applicants must be a U.S. Citizen.
Applicants living overseas may be considered and selected for these positions. An interview may be conducted by telephone; however, any travel associated with the pre-employment process will be at the applicant's expense.
Will the government pay for my moving expenses if I am selected?
No. Expenses are not authorized for relocation in conjunction with an initial appointment.
I will be getting out of the military in 6 months and am eligible for Aviation Safety Inspector positions. If my name is referred to the region for employment consideration and I am not available to accept the position, what will happen to my application?
If you are unable to accept a position because you are not available, your application will be returned to Aviation Careers and a date will be entered into your records reflecting when you will be available. If this date is passed the date your eligibility expires, your record will be inactivated.
Why do I have to submit a new application package each year?
Submitting an updated application gives you the opportunity to provide the most up-to-date information concerning your education, training, and experience. It also assures selecting officials receive the most current information on applicants.
Is it appropriate for me to contact the Manufacturing Inspection District Offices (MIDO) where I would like to be employed?
Yes. MIDO locations and addresses are available online

12:42 pm ET April 3, 2008