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Home / Advanced Systems and Concepts Office
Advanced Systems and Concepts Office (ASCO)

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Contact Us

The ASCO web site is designed to encourage communication between our agency and the public, as well as potential partners and customers for ASCO products. If you would like additional information about ASCO or to request any of our products, please contact:

ASCO External Outreach
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
8725 John J. Kingman Road
MS 6201
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6201
Email: ASCOInfo@dtra.mil
Phone: (703) 767-4974

Please note: Unsolicited proposals for research transmitted to either the physical or electronic addresses listed above will be destroyed without any further action. DTRA has a process for interested parties to follow in submitting unsolicited proposals.

Members of the public can request more information about ASCO by calling (703) 767-5870.

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