United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National HIV/AIDS Program
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Because it's better to know... Ask your provider about getting tested for HIV today

Poster, 8-1/2 x 11

Because it's better to know

[PDF 501K; requires Acrobat Reader]

As part of an ongoing initiative to increase rates of early detection of HIV, the Public Health Strategic Health Care Group has developed a number of resources to support VHA health care professionals and to educate and inform veterans about the importance of testing in early detection of HIV. A number of studies have indicated that late diagnosis of HIV continues to be a problem among our veteran patients. Early diagnosis is an important tool in the prevention of progression of disease and in the prevention of transmission to others through sexual or drug-sharing practices. (Please see VHA Information Letter 10-2005-017 for additional information).

In order to help increase patients' awareness about the availability of HIV testing in VA, we have developed a new 8" X 11" full color poster with the message of "Because it's better to know . . . Ask your provider about getting tested for HIV today."

Order poster (VA Intranet only)