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Space and Earth Science Programs Directorate Illustration
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The Space and Earth Science Programs Directorate of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is responsible for the management and direction of all functions and activities, including the application of Laboratory resources, necessary for the definition, acquisition, implementation, and conduct of space and earth science research, NASA flight instruments and NASA flight missions.

Major areas of emphasis

Charter: Major responsibilities

Space Sciences
Earth Sciences

Technology Also refer to:

Education and Outreach
Data Sources

Some documents on this site are in PDF format and require the Acrobat Reader, available here.

SESPD Launches and Mission Events  Interactive month-by-month look at key events for current and future missions over the next ten years. Please bookmark this page, as it is frequently updated.   Last update: October 3, 2003.

SESPD Calendar of Events  Access to this PDF-formated calendar is available to on-site users.

SESPD Organization Chart Access to this PDF-formated chart is available to on-site users.

[ Space Sciences | Earth Sciences | Technology | Data Sources ]

For more information on the SESPD programs at JPL, contact:

For technical support on this home page, contact:
Cecelia Lawshe or Chris Hawley

Last updated October 3, 2003