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Supplemental Tables to the Annual Energy Outlook 2009

Regional Energy Consumption and Prices by Sector
Energy Consumption by Sector and Source
Table 1. New England
Table 2. Middle Atlantic
Table 3. East North Central
Table 4. West North Central
Table 5. South Atlantic
Table 6. East South Central
Table 7. West South Central
Table 8. Mountain
Table 9. Pacific
Table 10. Total United States
  Energy Prices by Sector and Source  
Table 11. New England
Table 12. Middle Atlantic
Table 13. East North Central
Table 14. West North Central
Table 15. South Atlantic
Table 16. East South Central
Table 17. West South Central
Table 18. Mountain
Table 19. Pacific
Table 20. Total United States
  Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source  
Table 21. New England
Table 22. Middle Atlantic
Table 23. East North Central
Table 24. West North Central
Table 25. South Atlantic
Table 26. East South Central
Table 27. West South Central
Table 28. Mountain
Table 29. Pacific
Table 30. Total United States
Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Demand Sector Data Tables
Table 31. Residential Sector Equipment Stock and Efficiency
Table 32. Commercial Sector Energy Consumption, Floorspace, and Equipment Efficiency
Table 33. Industrial Sector Macroeconomic Indicators
Table 34. Refining Industry Energy Consumption
Table 35. Food Industry Energy Consumption
Table 36. Paper Industry Energy Consumption
Table 37. Bulk Chemical Industry Energy Consumption
Table 38. Glass Industry Energy Consumption
Table 39. Cement Industry Energy Consumption
Table 40. Iron and Steel Industries Energy Consumption
Table 41. Aluminum Industry Energy Consumption
Table 42. Metal Based Durables Energy Consumption
Table 43 Other Manufacturing Sector Energy Consumption
Table 44. Nonmanufacturing Sector Energy Consumption
Transportation Demand Sector Data Tables
Table 45. Transportation Sector Energy Use by Mode and Type
Table 46. Transportation Sector Energy Use by Fuel Type within Mode
Table 47. Light-Duty Vehicle Energy Consumption by Technology and Fuel Type
Light-Duty Vehicle Sales by Technology Type
Table 48. New England
Table 49 Middle Atlantic
Table 50. East North Central
Table 51. West North Central
Table 52. South Atlantic
Table 53. East South Central
Table 54. West South Central
Table 55. Mountain
Table 56. Pacific
Table 57. Total United States
Table 58. Light-Duty Vehicle Stock by Technology Type
Table 59. Light-Duty Vehicle Miles per Gallon by Technology Type
Table 60. Light-Duty Vehicle Miles Traveled by Technology Type
Table 61. Summary of New Light-Duty Vehicle Size Class Attributes
Table 62. Transportation Fleet Car and Truck Fuel Consumption by Type and Technology
Table 63. Transportation Fleet Car and Truck Sales by Type and Technology
Table 64. Transportation Fleet Car and Truck Stock by Type and Technology
Table 65. Transportation Fleet Car and Truck Vehicle Miles Traveled by Type and Technology
Table 66. Air Travel Energy Use
Table 67. Freight Transportation Energy Use
Table 68. Technology Market Penetration in Light
Table 69. New Light-Duty Vehicle Fuel Economy
Table 70. New Light-Duty Vehicle Prices
Table 71. New Light-Duty Vehicle Range

Electricity and Renewable Fuel Tables
Electric Power Projections for Electricity Market Module Region
Table 72. East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement
Table 73. Electric Reliability Council of Texas
Table 74. Mid-Atlantic Area Council
Table 75. Mid-America Interconnected Network
Table 76. Mid Continent Area Power Pool
Table 77. Northeast Power Coordinating Council/New York
Table 78. Northeast Power Coordinating Council/New England
Table 79. Florida Reliability Coordinating Council
Table 80. Southeastern Electric Reliability Council
Table 81. Southwest Power Pool
Table 82. Western Electricity Coordinating Council/Northwest Power Pool Area
Table 83. Western Electricity Coordinating Council/Rocky Mountain Power Area and Arizona-New Mexico-Southern Nevada Power Area
Table 84. Western Electricity Coordinating Council/California
Table 85. United States
Table 86. Electricity Generation by Electricity Market Module Region and Source
Table 87. Electricity Generation Capacity by Electricity Market Module Region and Source
Renewable Energy Capacity, Generation, and Consumption by Fuel
Table 88. East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement
Table 89. Electric Reliability Council of Texas
Table 90. Mid-Atlantic Area Council
Table 91. Mid-America Interconnected Network
Table 92. Mid Continent Area Power Pool
Table 93. Northeast Power Coordinating Council/New York
Table 94. Northeast Power Coordinating Council/New England
Table 95. Florida Reliability Coordinating Council
Table 96. Southeastern Electric Reliability Council
Table 97. Southwest Power Pool
Table 98. Western Electricity Coordinating Council/Northwest Power Pool Area
Table 99. Western Electricity Coordinating Council/Rocky Mountain Power Area and Arizona-New Mexico-Southern Nevada Power Area
Table 100. Western Electricity Coordinating Council/California
Table 101. United States

Petroleum, Natural Gas, Coal, Macroeconomic, International Data Tables
Table 102. Domestic Refinery Distillation Base Capacity and Expansion
Components of Selected Petroleum Product Prices
Table 103. New England
Table 104. Middle Atlantic
Table 105. East North Central
Table 106. West North Central
Table 107. South Atlantic
Table 108. East South Central
Table 109. West South Central
Table 110. Mountain
Table 111. Pacific
Table 112. United States
Table 113. Lower 48 Crude Oil Production and Wellhead Prices by Supply Region
Table 114. Lower 48 Natural Gas Production and Wellhead Prices by Supply Region
Table 115. Oil and Gas, End-of-Year Reserves and Annual Reserve Additions
Table 116. Natural Gas Imports and Exports
Table 117. Natural Gas Consumption by End-Use Sector and Census Division
Table 118. Natural Gas Delivered Prices by End-Use Sector and Census Division
Table 119. Primary Natural Gas Flows Entering NGTDM Region from Neighboring Regions
Table 120. Coal Production and Minemouth Prices by Region
Table 121. Coal Production by Region and Type
Table 122. Coal Prices by Region and Type
Table 123. World Steam Coal Flows by Importing Regions and Exporting Countries
Table 124. World Metallurgical Coal Flows by Importing Regions and Exporting Countries
Table 125. World Total Coal Flows by Importing Region and Exporting Countries
Table 126. Indicators of Macroeconomic Activity
Table 127. Imported Liquids by Source
Table 128. Conversion Factors