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Retirement Information & Services

2009 Benefits Administration Letters

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has Governmentwide responsibility and oversight for Federal benefits administration. These pages contain the Benefits Administration Letters (BALs) used for program administration. The BALs provide guidance to agencies on various aspects of Federal administration.

BAL Number Date Subject Format

100 Series


Retirement Policy and Process Issues

09-101 01/2009 Annual Changes PDF Format
[59 KB]
09-102 01/2009 Information to Agencies to Improve Survivor Claim Processing upon the Death of a Federal Employee PDF Format
[47 KB]
Attachment 1: General Instructions PDF Format
[80 KB]
Attachment 2: Summary of Benefits Checklist PDF Format
[92 KB]
Attachment 3: Preliminary Information to OFEGLI Regarding the Death of A Federal Employee PDF Format
[35 KB]
Attachment 4: Election Regarding Method of Payment for Unpaid Compensation PDF Format
[39 KB]
Attachment 5: CSRS Death-In-Service Quick Pay PDF Format
[36 KB]
Attachment 6: Employee Death Case Summary PDF Format
[44 KB]

200 Series


Insurance Policy and Process Issues

09-201 03/2009 Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Handbook PDF Format
[46 KB]
09-202 03/2009 Assistance for certain employees who are eligible for Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC) based on Public Law 111-5 PDF Format
[40 KB]

Attachment A(1): Model TCC Continuation Coverage Notice I

PDF Format
[20 KB]

Attachment A(2): Model TCC Continuation Coverage Notice II

PDF Format
[20 KB]

Attachment A(3): Model TCC Continuation Coverage Additional Election Notice

PDF Format
[20 KB]

Attachment B: Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC) Premium Assistance

PDF Format
[16 KB]

Attachment C: Premium Rates for the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program

PDF Format
[58 KB]
09-203 03/2009 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program: Changes due to the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 PDF Format
[40 KB]
09-204 05/2009 Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program: New Address for the Office of Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (OFEGLI) PDF Format
[34 KB]

300 Series


Payroll and Financial Management Guidance

09-301 02/2009 FEHB Cost Factor for Second Quarter of FY 2009 PDF Format
[30 KB] 
09-302 02/2009 March 2009 Headcount PDF Format
[31 KB] 
09-303 05/2009 FEHB Cost Factor for Third Quarter of FY 2009 PDF Format
[32 KB] 
09-304 08/2009 Fiscal Year 2009 Factors for Calculating Imputed Costs PDF Format
[46 KB] 
09-305 08/2009 September 2009 Headcount PDF Format
[31 KB] 

400 Series


Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Open Season Guidance

09-401 7/29/2009 2009 Federal Benefits Open Season: Announcement PDF Format
[38.4 KB]

800 Series


Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Issues


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