- Legislative Action Center

Legislative Action Center
May 13, 2009
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Support the E15 Waiver - American Coalition for Ethanol
Federal: Urge Your Representative to Join the Congressional Arts Caucus - Americans For The Arts
Brady Campaign And Lautenberg Unite To Mislead And Control--Again - National Rifle Association
ALERT! New bill would offer genuine border security! - Californians for Population Stabilization
Help Stop Radically Pro-Choice HHS Nominee - The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
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Recent Votes - U.S. Senate (more votes)
Failed Motion to Invoke Cloture on S.1639; comprehensive immigration reform 06/28/2007
Failed Cloture Motion; Employee Free Choice Act 06/26/2007
Passed CLEAN Energy Act 06/21/2007
Passed Budget Resolution, FY2008 05/17/2007
Passed Water Resources Development Act 05/16/2007
Recent Votes - U.S. House of Representatives (more votes)
Passed Responsible Redeployment from Iraq Act 06/12/2007
Passed College Cost Reduction Act of 2007 06/11/2007
Passed Financial Services and General Government Appropriations for FY 2008 06/28/2007
Passed Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2008 06/27/2007
Passed Legislative Branch Appropriations for FY 2008 06/22/2007
Current Bills - U.S. Senate (more)
S.471 Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005
S.540 Saving Social Security Act of 2005
S.737 Security and Freedom Enhancement Act of 2005
S.1033 Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act
S.1438 Comprehensive Enforcement and Immigration Reform Act of 2005
Current Bills - U.S. House of Representatives (more)
H.R.810 Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act
H.R.3199 USA PATRIOT and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Act of 2005
H.R.3889 Methamphetamine Epidemic Elimination Act
H.R.4129 EXPENSE Act of 2005
H.R.4197 Hurricane Katrina Recovery, Reclamation, Restoration, Reconstruction and Reunion Act of 2005
H.R.4297 Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act of 2005
Extra Impact

child abuse law - WA

Our Tax Dollars Should Not Be Going to CCI - NC

Government Health Care - AZ

Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act public law 89-92 April 27,1965 - PR

Stop the Banks! Reform Credit Cards! Stop taking payoffs! - AZ


Funding for schziophrenia research - MA

Fire arms laws - MD

Siebelius and National Health Program - TN

Rrequest for Reenlistment to Active Duty - NC

Sam Rohrer's Letter - PA