WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence gave the following statement from the floor of the U.S. House today:

"Republicans do support reasonable health care reform that will lower the cost of health care and health insurance for every American family and every American business. But the Democrat plan for health care reform amounts to a government takeover of health care in this country paid with nearly a trillion dollars in higher taxes.

"The American people know what government-run health care will mean: higher cost, bigger deficit, less coverage, less quality, less choice, and more bureaucracy.

"House Republicans have led the fight against this government takeover of health care and now House Republicans and a handful of Democrats are on the verge of a historic victory for the American people and for our American health care economy.

"But we need your help.

"If you oppose government run health care, call your Congressman today. If you oppose higher costs, bigger deficits, less coverage, and more bureaucracy, call your Congressman today. If you want real bipartisan health care reform that lowers cost and addresses the real needs of our health care economy with American solutions, call your Congressman today."

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