Electronic Records Express
Demo Website
Social Security Administration, Baltimore, MD Version 1.8  (11/08)
> Start
Please read thoroughly before continuing the demo...

Context-Sensitive Help
Throughout these pages, you can get specific information on various fields, sections, and terminology by clicking on any area that is highlighted like this or clicking on an information icon like this help-image.

Active Content
The webpages within this demo use scripting to display dynamic content. Depending on your operating system and browser settings, you may be prompted many times and in various ways to allow active content. You must enable this setting to experience all the features of this demo.

Running the Demo from a CD
When running the demo from a CD, if you are prompted by a dialog box that resembles the one below, click on the Yes button. Important Note: In many cases, users have reported that they get prompted repeatedly even after they click Yes. If this is happening to you, then uncheck the checkbox that reads, "In the future, do not show this message", and then click on the Yes button.
Picture of active content warning

Internet Explorer Information Bar
If you are prompted by a yellow bar across the top of your browser window similar to the one below, click on it and select "Allow Blocked Content..." from the resulting popup menu. Since this is not a permanent setting, you will be prompted once every time you start the demo in a new browser window.
picture of information bar

Click on Start below to continue the demo.
> Start