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Technology Services, Weights and Measures Division, NIST

Laboratory Management (Quality) Systems 

NIST IR 7028 Type Evaluation Laboratory Quality Manual Template

This NIST IR has been compiled as part of its technical support to the U.S. commercial W& M system, NIST WMD created this quality manual template to assist type evaluation laboratories in documenting their quality systems. As such, this quality manual template is specifically designed for type evaluation testing laboratories. The quality manual template is based on ISO/IEC 17025 requirements. Although this manual is not numerically formatted identical to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard, the requirements of the standard are addressed in the quality manual. Each Section of the quality manual is cross-reference to the ISO/IEC 17025 requirements so that auditors and others can located where the requirements are addressed in the quality manual.

The U.S. type evaluation laboratories are encouraged to use the template to document their laboratory quality system. Other testing laboratories may also use this template to assist them in their quality system.

NIST IR 5802 Quality Manual Template

The NISTIR 5802 "Quality Manual Template" is a sample quality manual that was specifically developed to assist the State metrology laboratories in conforming to ISO/IEC Guide 25 and ISO 9001 in the early 1990s.  It is available below for downloading, but should only be used for archival purposes.

Draft Standard Administrative Procedures

Standard Administrative Procedures were also developed for State metrology laboratories to provide generic administrative procedures specified in the NIST IR 5802 that may be fairly common among the State laboratories. The draft version of the Standard Administrative Procedures is available for downloading below.

Downloadable Files

The following files are in WordPerfect 6.1 or Word format and may be downloaded using WordPerfect or Word.  Be aware that there may be extensive formatting necessary after any conversions. The Access database is based on Office 97, SR-2.

Note: If this file format is not accessible, one paper copy of this document will be mailed if a request is sent to .

Downloadable Files

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Web Files
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/ts/htdocs/230/235/images/ bullet.gif IR7028:  Type Evaluation Laboratory Quality Manual Template         

 Link to web document


/ts/htdocs/230/235/images/ bullet.gif 

IR5802:  Quality Manual Template Developed for State Legal Metrology Laboratories (March 1996)
WordPerfect File Link - download file before opening

/ts/htdocs/230/235/images/ bullet.gif

IR5802:  Draft Standard Administrative Procedures (July 1996)         

/ts/htdocs/230/235/images/ bullet.gif 

Master List Resources - Externally Generated Metrology Publications

link to Word Doc


link to PDF doc

/ts/htdocs/230/235/images/ bullet.gif Certificate Review Template

 Link to Word Document


 Link to PDF Document


/ts/htdocs/230/235/images/ bullet.gif 

ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Audit Checklist Template "provided with permission by Mark Ruefenacht, Heusser-Neweigh"               

Date created: November 30, 2000
Last updated: July 3, 2008

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