Gulf of Mexico Science Coordination

NGOM | USGS Gulf of Mexico Science Coordination | Meetings | Gulf Coast Science Conference & FISC Science Meeting - GOM Agenda
USGS Gulf Coast Science Conference and Florida Integrated Science (FISC) MeetingOpen Florida Integrated Science (FISC) Website in a new window

DRAFT AGENDA: USGS Gulf Coast Science Conference

OBJECTIVE: To bring together a diverse array of USGS scientists, managers, specialists, and others who work on issues related to the Gulf of Mexico. The conference seeks to create a community of practice, across disciplines and specialties to address complex scientific and societal issues in the Gulf of Mexico and connected coastal ecosystems. (... see Conference Overview: background, goals, format & approach)

Monday Afternoon - 10/20/08 (GOM Science Conference)
Welcome, Introduction, Goals and Meeting Plans:
Dawn LaVoie (USGS Gulf of Mexico Science Coordinator) and
Barry Rosen (USGS Florida Integrated Science Center Director) - Science Forum
Regional Executive's welcome:
Jess Weaver and
Stan Ponce

1:30 Understanding ecosystems and predicting ecosystem change: Ensuring the nation’s economic and environmental future
CAPSTONE TALKS --- Session chairs: Tom Doyle and Don DeAngelis
Large scale landscape change and Natural Hazards in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.
Speaker: John Brock
Biophysical Controls on Response of Coastal Wetlands to Climate Change, Elevated CO2, and Sea-level Rise.
Speaker: Karen McKee
How Does Restoration Affect the Resiliency of Coastal Louisiana Marshes?
Speaker: Christopher M. Swarzenski, William Orem, Ken Krauss, Tom Doyle and JoAnn Holloway
USGS Research Activities in Coastal Forest Ecosystems of the Northern Gulf of Mexico.
Speaker: Ken Krauss
USGS Ecosystem Modeling Applications in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.
Speaker: Don DeAngelis and Tom Doyle
3:00 Break
3:30 Climate variability and change
CAPSTONE TALKS --- Session chairs: Virginia Burkett and Tom Smith
Natural Climate Variability in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Implications for the Future.
Speakers: Richard Poore, Kristine DeLong, Kathy Tedesco, Lisa Osterman, Julie Ritchey and Terrence Quinn
USGS Role in Ocean Acidification Research.
Speakers: Lisa Robbins, Kim Yates, Ilsa Kuffner
Can the World’s Mangrove Ecosystems Survive with Rising Seas and Increased Storminess.
Speakers: Thomas Smith, Don Cahoon, Amanda Demopoulos, Tom Doyle, Ken Krauss, Carol McIvor, Karen McKee
6:00 Monday Poster Session and Social (appetizers)

Tuesday Morning - 10/21/08 (GOM Science Conference)
8:30 Energy (plus Alternate Energy – Wind) and Mineral Resources
CAPSTONE TALKS --- Session chair: Debbie Hutchinson
USGS Gas Hydrate Studies in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.
Speaker: Debbie Hutchinson
A geologic-based evaluation of the potential for undiscovered oil and gas accumulations in Paleogene strata of the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain and State waters.
Speaker: Peter Warwick, James Coleman, Paul Hackley, Daniel Hayba, Alexander Karlesen, Elizabeth Rowan and Sharon Swanson
Geologic Controls on the Distribution of Oil and Gas Fields in Neogene Strata of the Gulf Coast U.S.A.
Speaker: Russell Dubiel, Janet Pitman, and Ofori Pearson
Understanding the shallow stratigraphic architecture Of the Northern Gulf of Mexico: the key to indentifying Potential resources for shoreline stabilization.
Speaker: James Flocks, S. Jeffress Williams, Jack Kindinger, and Mark Kulps
10:00 Break
10:15 National Hazards, Risk, and Resilience Assessment Program: Hurricanes
CAPSTONE TALKS --- Session chair: Abby Sallenger
Aerial rapid assessment of hurricane damages to northern Gulf coastal habitats.
Speaker: Thomas Michot, Christopher Wells, and Paul Chadwick
HURASIM: Hurricane Simulation Model for Reconstructing Historic Windfields and Landfall Frequencies.
Speaker: Thomas Doyle
Internet Map Serving the Hurricane Katrina Maximum Storm Tide in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
Speaker: Phil Turnipseed, K. Van Wilson, James Hathorn, Dean Tyler, Jason Stoker and Robert Mason, Jr.
Assessing the stability and fate of our Barrier islands, northern Gulf of Mexico.
Speaker: Jim Flocks, Dave Twichell, and Michael Miner
Subsurface control on sea-floor erosional processes offshore of the Chandeleur Islands, LA.
Speaker: David Twichell, Elizabeth Pendleton Wayne Baldwin, and Jim Flocks
12:00 Lunch on premises
Guest Speaker: Virgina Burkett
Climate Change (invited)

Tuesday Afternoon - 10/21/08 (GOM Science Conference)
1:30 Wildlife and Human Health
PANEL MODERATORS: Jacoby Carter and Ken Rice
PANELISTS: Jill Jenkins, Clint Jeske, David Krabbenhoft, Dennis Demcheck and Barry Rosen 

      Current research on wildlife and human health from your perspective.
What is missing?
What should USGS be doing in the future?
Audience participation is expected.

3:00 Break
3:15 Water Census
CAPSTONE TALKS --- Session chairs: Van Wilson and Richard Treece
Moving from monitoring to modeling: regional assessment of nutrient sources, transport, delivery to streams and coastal areas.
Speakers: Anne Hoos, Gerard McMahon and Michael Woodside
Real-time data collection networks: real-time flows.
Speaker: Leroy Pearman
Nitrate concentrations in Lake Pontchartrain during the Bonnet Carre’ Spillway opening, April 11 to May 8, 2008. Speakers:
Speaker: Dennis Demchek and Scott Mize
Understanding water availability.
Speaker: Kenneth Odom
20th Century development and expansion of Louisiana, and shelf hypoxia, Gulf of Mexico.
Speakers: Lisa Osterman, Richard Poore and Peter Swarzenski
4:30 Data Integration
CAPSTONE TALKS --- Session chair: Scott Wilson
Data Integration in the Water Resources Discipline.
Speaker: Brian Reece
Overview of USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program Data Management and Analysis Tools for Geologic and Hazards Information.
Speakers: Shawn Dadisman, Jim Flocks and Robert Wertz
Louisiana’s Coastwide Reference Monitoring System: Using Web Services to Integrate and Visualize Data for Assessing Restoration Effectiveness.
Speakers: G. Snedden, C. Conzelmann, G. Steyer, R. Raynie and S. Wilson
Priority Habitat Information System (PHINS).
Speaker: Chris Cretini
6:00 Tuesday Poster Session and Social

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 @ 12:33 PM  (RRK)