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National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 2009
February 7 2009

logoFebruary 7, 2009, marks the 9th annual National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD) - a day dedicated to increasing awareness of HIV/AIDS in the African-American community.  The purpose of NBHAAD is to build capacity and increase awareness, participation, and support for HIV prevention, care, and treatment among African Americans.  The links to the right provide information related to NBHAAD, including HIV/AIDS-related fact sheets and other resources about treatment, prevention, research, and statistical information for the African-American population in the United States.

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Sites

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Web Site: In recognition of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services created this Web site to provide information on prevention, testing and treatment as it relates to the African-American community.

Official Web Site for National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day: Web site dedicated to providing up-to-date information about National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, including press releases, organization listings and publications. 

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Press Release: A statement by Anthony S. Fauci, MD, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, on National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.

AIDSinfo Resources

AIDSinfo HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Information: Database of clinical trials designed to help patients and health care providers locate trials studying HIV/AIDS.

HIV/AIDS Drug Information: Database of fact sheets on HIV/AIDS-related drugs.

HIV/AIDS Fact Sheets: Fact sheets and booklets that supplement the HIV/AIDS treatment guidelines and are written in plain language.

AIDSinfo Glossary of HIV/AIDS-Related Terms: Comprehensive glossary of HIV/AIDS terminology.

HIV/AIDS Vaccine Information: Provides links to HIV vaccine clinical trials as well as fact sheets about therapeutic and preventive HIV vaccines. 

African-American Health Disparities

2009 National Conference on African Americans and AIDS: The National Conference on African Americans and AIDS is a national forum on HIV/AIDS for health professionals who serve the African-American community.

African Americans and HIV/AIDS: List of resources compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Prevention Information Network about HIV/AIDS among the African-American community.

African-American HIV/AIDS Information on the Web: Links to Web sites provided by the National Library of Medicine's Specialized Information Services about African Americans and HIV/AIDS. 

National Minority AIDS Education and Training Center: Organization that provides capacity building, education, and training about minorities and HIV/AIDS.

Ongoing Research Among the African-American Community

FY 2009 NIH Plan for HIV-Related Research - Racial and Ethnic Minorities: Comprehensive plan for HIV-related research across all of the National Institutes of Health for fiscal year 2009. This section of the plan focuses on research in minority populations. Developed by the Office of AIDS Research.

HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN) Legacy Project: Project coordinated by HVTN that is designed to increase awareness and participation of people of color in HIV vaccine trials.

Mobilizing Against the HIV/AIDS Crisis Among African Americans: Webcast provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about capacity building among the African-American community relating to HIV/AIDS.

African Americans and HIV Vaccine Research: Fact sheet published by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases about HIV vaccine research in the African-American community.

African-American HIV/AIDS Statistics

HIV/AIDS Among African Americans: Fact sheet by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that discusses transmission statistics, risk factors, and prevention of HIV/AIDS as they relate to the African-American community.

African Americans and HIV/AIDS in the United States: Fact sheet by the Heath Resources and Services Administration about the prevalence of HIV/AIDS among the African-American community.
