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A lesson is truly learned when we modify our behavior to reflect what we now know.

Mission Statement

"The Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center actively promotes a learning culture to enhance and sustain safe and effective work practices in the wildland fire community. The Center provides opportunities and resources to foster collaboration among all fire professionals, facilitates their networks, provides access to state-of-the-art learning tools, and links learning to training." 

New HRO Information

NEW  Save the Date! - HRO Workshop in Vero Beach, FL October 2009  (238KB doc posted 5/6/2009)
The Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, The Nature Conservancy, Florida Park Service and the Central Florida Prescribed Fire Council are sponsoring a workshop on High Reliability Organizing (HRO) in Central Florida, October 20-22, 2009.

HRO Case Study: HRO Implementation on the Shoshone National Forest (535KB pdf posted 3/17/2009) "Personnel on the Shoshone National Forest mark 2006 as a bad year, but one that also demonstrated the Forest’s commitment to resilience. On April 10th of that year, the Homestead Park II prescribed burn escaped control under adverse weather conditions, spreading onto private property and burning four cabins."
(19MB wmv video file posted 9/11/08)  Introductory video - Creating a better mindset for wildland firefighter safety and survival. 
Recent LLC Videos MyFireVideos.Net Logo
Border Fires Narrated Slideshow Presentation ( htm posted 4/8/2009)
Alamo Fire 2008 Near Nogales, AZBob Orrill, Liaison Officer with the SE AZ T2 IMT, presented this information at the SW Team Meeting in Albuquerque February 19, 2009. If there is any chance that you might be sent to work a project on the border with Mexico, you need this "heads up." 23 MB file, Flash 8.0 or higher required
CLOSE CALL - What YOU Can Learn From the Ahorn Fire Shelter Deployment A short video production from the "Firefighter: Remember This" series, takes a look at the “close call” firefighter shelter deployment that occurred on the Ahorn Fire— focusing on some key lessons and effective practices to be learned from this incident.
Are You FireFit?    A video introduction to FireFit; a comprehensive, easy-to-follow, non-mandatory fitness program specifically designed for wildland firefighters. The FireFit program was developed by Michelle Ryerson, Bequi Livingston, and the FireFit Task Group to promote optimal fitness and decrease the number of injuries reported each fire season.

Indians Fire Rotating PlumeSurviving A Rotating Vertical Plume -
What Can YOU Learn From THEIR Experience?
 The lastest video in our "Firefighter: Remember This" series features lessons learned from the Indians Fire entrapment, where during a wildfire burnout operation in extremely dry fuels, firefighters suddenly observe a massive rotating vertical plume. Unfortunately, the crews who watch it swirl across this ridgeline don’t see the plume as an imminent threat to adjoining forces. But, these people will not underestimate the potential power of a rotating vertical plume ever again.
   LLC Video Clapboard Welcome Video
Welcome to the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center (12 Mb .wmv, 4:07 min.) This short video introduces the features and functions of the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center,  including our background, mission and staff members.
(5.6 Mb, .wmv, 2:45 min)  A short video introduction to the Community Center site. Includes how to create a neighborhood and highlights other features of the site.
(1MB pdf posted 2/19/2009)
Eight Crew and Squad Bosses from around the United States were recently interviewed regarding their notable successes, difficult challenges, effective safety practices, crew training recommendations and unresolved issues in supervising squads and crews. Special thanks are extended to these Crew and Squad Bosses for sharing their significant lessons and practices with the wildland fire community.
NIFC Situation Report