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Measures of Effectiveness

Reports to Congress

Many aspects of the transportation development process have been studied to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of environmental streamlining.

  • Environmental Streamlining Reports to Congress
    • June 2004: Federal Highway Administration Environmental Streamlining Activities During 2003
      - Executive Summary
      - Report
    • April 2003: Federal Highway Administration Environmental Streamlining Activities During 2002
      - Executive Summary
      - Report
    • February 2002: Highway and Transit Environmental Streamlining Progress Summary
      - Executive Summary
      - Report

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Timeliness of NEPA Data

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FHWA Environmental Tracking System

  • Environmental Document Tracking System (EDTS)
    In 2002, FHWA developed and implemented an internal environmental document tracking system (EDTS) for Environmental Assessments (EA), and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS). The system was developed to support the Environmental Streamlining and Stewardship "Vital Few" objectives. The ability to accurately track the length of time required to complete the NEPA process is an essential component of the environmental streamlining performance measure. It will also help FHWA identify some of the factors that may affect the efficiency of NEPA project delivery. EDTS will aid FHWA's ability to monitor project progress between major milestones, and to accurately determine the total processing time from initiation of an EIS and EA to the approval of the final decision document. For more information, contact Bethaney Bacher-Gresock, Office of Project Development and Environmental Review, (202) 366-4196.

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FHWA Project Information

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FHWA/Gallup Study on Implementing Performance Measurement in Environmental Streamlining

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) contracted with The Gallup Organization to conduct a study that would obtain insights into the environmental streamlining process. The study included a qualitative component involving focus group research, and two quantitative components, a pilot study of Region 5, and a comprehensive national study that was both regional and national in scope. Discussions from focus group participants revealed common themes concerning relationships among the counterpart transportation and resource permitting agencies.

For more information on the Study, click here.

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