About the Project

The Main Interior Building (MIB), located at 1849 C Street NW, has been undergoing a major renovation since November 2002. The primary purpose of the MIB renovation is to improve the quality of life and ensure optimum habitability for all Department of the Interior (DOI) occupants. The building, which encompasses more than 1.3 million square feet, is receiving a major overhaul and will be completely modernized in areas including environmental health and safety; life safety; accessibility; technology; security; and environmental responsibility.  Extensive work is being performed to restore and preserve the historic integrity of the building as new systems are put in place. When complete, this 1930s-era building will boast state-of-the-art health and safety features. The modernization project is being managed by DOI in tandem with the General Services Administration.   

The Original Project Management Plan (PMP) for the Modernization of the Main Interior Building dates back to 1992. Even in those very early days, the renovation was always planned to occur in phases so that the Main Interior Building could remain occupied and functional.  In 1995 the move management plans considered 12 separate construction phases.  By 1996 the construction document were 100% complete.  In FY 2000 Congress authorized funding for GSA to begin construction.  Grunley Construction Company was awarded the contract for the first of six phases, however, just after the sixth wing was vacated, the events of September 11, 2001 prompted a need for the DOI’s swing space and the project was delayed by approximately one year while the National Park Service moved back into the building and the search for a new swing space started all over.  New swing space was acquired at 1201 I Street and finally in November of 2002, ten years after the development of the first PMP, work was able to begin in the sixth wing.

DOI/NBC Modernization Program Office

Interior's NBC Role/Responsibilities

Responsible for programmatic support to insure the Department's needs are met in the development and execution of the design and construction with minimal disturbance to tenants.

DOI responsibilities:

  • development and coordination of tenant issues and space requirements
  • development and coordination of all swing space requirements
  • coordination of all tenant moves with construction schedules
  • funding coordinating design changes required to meet new programmatic needs
  • telecommunications/data design funding and implementation
  • coordinate, track, and submit documentation for LEED-EB certification.

GSA Modernization Project Office

Responsible for managing the construction contract.

GSA responsibilities:

  • Procurement and award of contracts
  • Financial management (budgeting)
  • Prospectus and historic preservation compliance
  • Leasing of initial swing space and buildout
  • Ensuring that fire protection, environmental and safety criteria requirements are satisfied in the design and construction process.

U.S. Department of the Interior

NBC Modernization Program Office

1849 C Street NW MS 2505 • Washington DC 20240

E-Mail Address:

Phone: 202 208-7283 • Fax: 202 208-2502

Last Updated on 03/13/2007

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