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Environmental Competency Building
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Program Overview

Competency Navigator

Resource Database

Steering Committee

Environmental Competency Building (ECB) Program

The mission of the ECB program is to collaboratively identify, develop, and promote effective strategies and resources that will cultivate and enhance competencies of professionals to deliver environmentally sustainable transportation programs.

Developing and maintaining the knowledge and expertise of transportation and environmental professionals is essential to the effective delivery of an environmentally sensitive transportation program. The Environmental Competency Building (ECB) Program provides a central source of information for transportation and environmental professionals to develop and maintain competencies (technical knowledge and skills) required for their work.

    Goals of the ECB Program:
  • Recognize Existing Competency — Identify current environmental expertise, needs, and industry expectations to encourage individuals agencies, and organizations to build and support competent staff.
  • Enhance Practitioner Expertise — Provide support and assistance to improve the skills and abilities of practitioners necessary in the environmental review and project development process.
  • Broad Dissemination of Successful Practices — Actively distribute and share innovation and useful practices within FHWA, the States, and throughout the transportation community to allow rapid adoption of the most effective and successful practices.
  • Provide Access to Training and Resources — Provide access to information on related training, seminars, workshops, and web-based resources that address key competency areas.
  • Explore Certification Programs — Support relevant professional recognition programs within the industry to ensure a solid foundation of expertise.
FHWA, in collaboration with a Steering Committee of transportation and environmental stakeholders, has developed the Competency Navigator to assist professionals in identifying the key environmental and technical topic areas associated with the delivery of environmentally sustainable transportation programs. The Competency Navigator also offers a variety of resources available to enhance understanding in each competency area.
The Competency Navigator
Through a three step process, the Competency Navigator allows you to:
  • Choose one of nine professional roles that corresponds to your job responsibilities;
  • Review the Level of Understanding for each environmental or transportation competency recommended for someone in your position; and
  • Explore multiple resources, including trainings, workshops, research reports, and guidance material, available to enhance your Level of Understanding in each topic area.
The Competency Navigator has recently been released for beta-testing. You are invited to explore the Competency Navigator and provide feedback on the functionality and format of the tool, as well as the quality of information available. Please forward this site on to others who may be interested in enhancing their environmental competency.

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