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Research Training & Career Development

NIGMS supports biomedical and behavioral research training programs that help provide the most critical element of good research: well-prepared scientists. Programs cover basic biomedical research areas, some clinically related areas, and training at the interfaces of different fields.
NIH and NIGMS encourage institutions to diversify their student populations and thus to increase the participation of individuals currently underrepresented in the biomedical, clinical, behavioral, and social sciences. All NIGMS institutional training grant programs require a plan for the recruitment and retention of a diverse population of trainees.

Training and Career Awards Application and Review
View by Career Stage
  • Predoctoral
  • Postdoctoral
  • Transition to Independence
  • Independent Investigator

View by Award Type

  • Institutional Training Grants (T awards)
  • Individual Fellowships (F awards)
  • Career Development Awards (K awards)
Training Grants (T32): PredoctoralPostdoctoral

Diversity Recruitment and Retention

Responsible Conduct of Research

Special Requirements
(For Predoctoral T32 Applications Only) 

Fellowships: F32, F33

Career Development Awards (K08, K23, K25, K99/R00)

Find Funding Opportunities
View a full listing of NIH grant types

Specialized Programs/Opportunities Additional Information
Minority Research Training Opportunities

Medical Scientist Training Program

Pharm.D. Gateway to NIH

Pharmacology Research Associate (PRAT) Program at NIH

NIH Loan Repayment Programs

Contacts by Training Area

List of Funded Institutional Training Grants


Training-Related Meeting Reports

Note: All NIGMS trainees and career development awardees (except for the K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award) must be U.S. citizens, non-citizen nationals, or permanent residents.

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This page last updated August 24, 2009