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Office of the Inspector General: Subscribe/Unsubscribe to Email Distribution List


The Inspector General's email distribution list is used to inform subscribers (Congress, media, government offices/personnel, academic institutions, taxpayers, etc.) of significant OIG reports, press releases, publications, etc. the moment they are posted on the Ex-Im Bank's OIG web site. Subscription is free and available to anyone with an e-mail address who has an interest in the work of the OIG. Ex-Im Bank does not sell, rent or otherwise provide this information to third parties. For additional information, see our privacy policy.

To subscribe to the OIG's distribution list, please fill out the following form and click subscribe.

Once you have submitted the form, you will be taken to a special site that administers the OIG's email distribution list. You will also receive an email indicating that you have signed up to the ig-report mailing list. You must respond to this email as described or click on the provided link to activate your subscription.

Email address:
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To unsubscribe to the OIG's Email distribution list, please fill out the following form and click unsubscribe. You will be taken to the site that administers the OIG email list. You will also receive a confirmation email that you have unsubscribed. You do not have to respond to that email.
Email address:




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