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SPORES Logo - Translational Research, Clinical, Pre-Clinical, Basic, Pre-Clinical SPOREs - Specialized Programs of Research Excellence
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Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPOREs) are funded through specialized center grants (P50s) that promote interdisciplinary research and move basic research findings from the laboratory to clinical settings, involving both cancer patients and populations at risk of cancer. The outcome of interdisciplinary research is a bidirectional approach to translational research, moving laboratory discoveries to clinical settings or clinical observations to the laboratory environment. Laboratory and clinical scientists share the common goal of bringing novel ideas to clinical care settings that have the potential to reduce cancer incidence and mortality as well as improve survival and the quality of life. In order to achieve these goals, SPORE investigators work collaboratively to plan, design and implement research programs that may impact cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, and treatment. Additionally, SPOREs approach these goals through collaborative efforts within the individual multidisciplinary SPORE teams, inter-SPORE collaborations, partnerships with other NCI/NIH programs, and public-private partnerships with industry and non-profit organizations. Key qualities of the program feature the inclusion of patient advocates in SPORE activities and international cooperation with investigators in Europe, Canada, Asia, and Mexico.

National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health