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Office Closure

Published Date: Tue, 04 Aug 2009 11:00:16 CDT
PPC Topeka offices will be minimum staffed on Tuesday, 04 August 2009, beginning at 1130 hrs (central time) to close of business day so staff members may attend command sponsored morale event. Normal business hours will resume on Wednesday 05 August 2009.
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CANCELED-T-PAX Scheduled Outage 17-18 July

Published Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 14:35:15 CDT

T-PAX will be available 17/18 July. The scheduled maintenance will not impact T-PAX availability.

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(cancel) T-PAX Scheduled Outage 17-18 July

Published Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 09:35:15 CDT

The scheduled maintenance will not impact T-PAX availability.

T-PAX will not be available from 1300 Saturday, 18 July TO 1700 Sunday, 19 July (CDT) due to hardware maintenance.

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Please Use the Current Version of the Travel Voucher Form (DD-1351/2)

Published Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 15:20:15 CDT

Please Use the Current Version of the Travel Voucher Form (DD-1351/2)

Multiple versions of the DD-1351-2 are being used, even dating back 4 versions or more. Please note that the current version of the DD-1351-2 is March 2008 which requires both the AO's printed name and signature. All previous versions are considered to be obsolete and should not be used. The current form can be found in the list of Forms/Worksheets on this web page or at http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/infomgt/forms/eforms/dd1351-2.pdf.

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Multiple Advances Against the Same TONO

Published Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 15:05:15 CDT

The travel software system is not set up to do supplemental advance requests against the same exact travel dates. Please follow the below guidance when submitting SF-1038 (request for advance) in paper format or through the T PAX system.

Submitting an advance request for a 13 doc type TONO:

Order dates are the dates in which the blanket TONO are issued for. For example, if for the first quarter of the FY the order dates would be from 10/1 12/31/YY (1 October - 31 December).

  • Advance travel dates would be specific to the dates of travel for that advance. Example would be the member will need three advances to cover each month.
    1. The first advance would have the travel dates of 10/1-10/31/YY,
    2. the second advance would have the travel dates of 11/1-11/30/YY, and
    3. the third advance would have the travel dates of 12/1-12/31/YY.
  • It is extremely important to remember when you submit requests for travel advances in this manner, that the member should also file travel claims at a minimum of every 30 days. This is due to the fact that FINCEN is set up to collect unliquidated advances within 30 days past the end travel date of each advance request by issuing a debt letter.

Note: If you submit the first advance with the travel dates covering the entire TONO period of 10/1-12/31/YY, no additional advances will be permitted against this same TONO.

Submitting an advance request for an 11 doc type TONO:

Order dates are the dates in which the normal/evac TONO are issued for. Typically only one advance is processed when an 11 doc type TONO is used no matter the duration of travel. However, if when deemed necessary by the command 11 doc types can be processed in two different ways.

  1. If the 11 doc type TONO is short term (30 days or less) only one advance will be processed for this TONO.
  2. If the 11 doc type TONO is for "long term" TDY (31 days or longer) then the advances need to be processed the same way as if the TONO was a 13 doc type. Example would be the member will need three advances to cover each month.
    1. The first advance would have the travel dates of 10/1-10/31/YY,
    2. the second advance would have the travel dates of 11/1-11/30/YY,
    3. and the third advance would have the travel dates of 12/1-12/31/YY.
  • It is extremely important to remember when you submit requests for travel advances in this manner, that the member should only file ONE (1) travel claim against this TONO at the end of the travel period. Once a claim is filed, no additional advance can be processed for payment.

Note: If you submit the first advance with the travel dates of 10/1-12/31/YY, no additional advances will be permitted against this same TONO.
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T-PAX FAQ Update: Currency Conversion

Published Date: Tue, 09 Jun 2009 16:46:15 CDT

Q. How does T-PAX handle foreign currency?

A. T-PAX does not perform currency conversion. All amounts must be entered in U. S. dollars. Click the Currency Converter button, this will take to you to an online currency converter where you can look up exchange rates for specific dates. IBOP stands for International Balance of Payments and is only there because DOD wants to know where exactly U.S. dollars are being spent (specifically what country). The CG version of T-PAX defaults to U.S. dollars.

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Spotting Signs of a Rental Scam

Published Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 10:26:15 CDT

It's PCS season and the Federal Trade Commission has some timely advice for spotting rental scams.

Consumers in search of an apartment or house to rent often rely on online rental listings in order to find the right place, especially if they're looking in another city or state.

Unfortunately, scammers are taking advantage. Some make up phony listings, and try to lure renters with the promise of extra-low rent. They ask potential renters to send money before they see the apartment or sign a lease.

The Federal Trade Commission, the nation's consumer protection agency, wants to help consumers hang on to their hard-earned money by showing them how they can spot a rental scam. The FTC has developed a new Consumer Alert, Rental Listings May Be Red Herrings.

To learn more about avoiding rental scams, go to


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SATO's "GetThere" to be Updated for Secure Flight Compliance

Published Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 08:30:15 CDT

The Secure Flight passenger vetting program will begin asking passengers to enter their full name - as it appears on the government issued identification they will be traveling with - when making airline reservations. Coast Guard travelers, using the GetThere program should ensure their full name appears in their user profile. The second phase of Secure Flight, which is effective 15 August 2009, requires travelers to provide their date of birth and gender when making reservations. The GetThere user profile page will soon be updated to allow users to store this information.

For more information on TSA's Secure Flight Program, please visit TSA's web site.

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Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative - Foreign PCS Travel for Dependents

Published Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2009 12:15:15 CDT

Do you have your U.S. Passport? The Coast Guard Director of International Affairs & Foreign Policy (CG-DCO-I) wants to make you aware of some potential concerns in light of the upcoming implementation of phase two of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) on 01 June 2009. The International Affairs office has received a lot of questions concerning passports for dependents traveling under PCS orders to Alaska (via Canada) and other foreign countries thus the reason this announcement.

PCS TRAVEL TO & FROM ALASKA (through Canada):

Dependents must have a passport for travel to or from Alaska if they plan to enter Canada for any portion of their transit. This is not a Canadian requirement, this is a United State requirement.

CHILDREN: U.S. citizen children under the age of 16 will be able to present the original or copy of their birth certificate, or other proof of U.S. citizenship such as a naturalization certificate or citizenship card.

  1. Dependents can have a valid tourist passport or a dependent no-fee passport. If dependents already have a tourist passport at the time PCS orders are issued, they do not need to apply for the dependent no-fee passport.
  2. If dependents DO NOT have a tourist passport at the time PCS orders are issued, they should apply for the dependent no-fee passport.

NOTE: If dependents apply for a tourist passport for the PCS transfer they will NOT be reimbursed by the USCG.

Why can dependents travel on tourist passport or dependent no-fee passport?

The requirement to have a passport to re-enter the U.S. is a Department of Homeland Security requirement. The issuance of the dependent no-fee passport vice the tourist boils down to cost. If the dependents already have tourist passport then there is no need to obtain the dependent no-fee passports for travel through Canada.

It is important to apply for the dependent passports if the dependents DO NOT have a tourist passport. It is not realistic to expect that a family traveling to or from Alaska (via Canada) should spend several hundreds of dollars to obtain passports for their travel. The dependent no-fee passport is free for dependents vice the $60-$80.00 cost for a single tourist passport. There may be some minimal cost to apply for the dependent no-fee passport (passport photos and/or processing fee at a local U.S. post office). Those types of expenses are reimbursable on the PCS travel claim per JFTR, Appendix G.

PCS ASSIGNMENT TO A FOREIGN COUNTRY (does not include Canada):

  1. Dependents MUST apply for a dependent no-fee passport for a PCS tour abroad. The dependents are authorized to use the dependent no-fee passport any foreign travel performed while they are assigned overseas with the active duty member.
  2. If a dependent wishes to apply for a tourist passport for a PCS tour abroad they may do so but there is no reimbursement for the tourist passport.

For all dependent passport questions or concerns please contact the Passport & Visa Staff (Tel. 202-372-4465/4474/4476) or the local Coast Guard Certified Passport Agent (a listing if passport agents is available from the Servicing Personnel Office).

For more information on the WHTI, please visit the websites below:

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Per Diem Committee Web Page and JFTR Update

Published Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 16:15:15 CDT

The following information was updated for 01 May 2009:

  • Foreign and OCONUS Non-Foreign Per Diem Rates
  • FY 2009 CONUS Per Diem Rates
  • Overseas Cost of Living (OCOLA) and Housing (OHA) Allowances
  • Travel Regulations (JFTR & JTR)

To access the updated information, go to http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/perdiem/

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Coast Guard E-mail Access Required for Password Resets

Published Date: Tue, 07 Apr 2009 11:00:15 CDT

By: James Glynn, PPC Customer Care

Using automatic password reset features for DA and T-PAX is the quickest way to receive a new password, via email, 24/7 - without having to contact PPC and have a manual password reset performed. ALCOAST 598/08 directed all CG members with standard CG workstation access to enable Outlook Web Access (OWA) to make possible password resets through their personal Outlook inbox via the web. Additionally, it set 1 April 2009, as the last day that personnel, with standard CG workstation access, could contact PPC Customer Care for password reset support. Now, only personnel without standard CG workstation access are authorized to contact the PPC for password reset support. All manual DA/T-PAX password reset support will end on 1 July 2009. This deadline provides ample time for personnel to establish OWA access.

All CG civilian and military personnel are required to validate a current/correct e-mail address in both their DA and T-PAX profiles. It is imperative that all personnel maintain "uscg.mil" or "dhs.gov" email addresses in both systems. Compliance with this automatically enables the "Forgotten Password" reset function in both systems.

To assist personnel and commands in this tasking, a Step-by-Step Guide can be found at: http://www.uscg.mil/ppc/pswdreset. Additionally, a report titled "CG_Recall_Contact_Info" in DA can help commanding officers identify members for non-compliance with the "Forgotten Password" reset function in DA. No tools are currently available for this use in T-PAX.

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Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee (PDTATAC) merged with the Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO)

Published Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2009 10:35:15 CST

Defense Travel SealThe staff and responsibilities of the Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee (PDTATAC) merged with the Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) on 1 October 2008, streamlining central management of commercial travel policy for DoD.

Effective 1 March 2009, the Per Diem Committee Website's new URL is http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/perdiem.


PDTATAC ensures uniform travel and transportation regulations are issued pursuant to applicable laws and policies. PDTATAC coordinates with GSA and the State Department to establish per diem rates for OCONUS locations. PDTATAC also oversees several programs such as Continental U.S. Cost of Living Allowance (CONUS COLA), Outside Continental U.S. Cost of Living Allowance (OCONUS COLA), Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) as well as the Travel Regulation Change Process.

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T-PAX Split-Disbursement Option Disabled During Transition to new Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC)

Published Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 11:35:15 CST

The Split disbursement function will be turned off in the T-PAX system on 27 February at approximately 1800 (CST). For any claim that has been submitted for payment at that time, PPC/FINCEN will work to distribute payment to the Citibank GTCC. After that date, all monies will be paid to member/traveler via their normal travel payment process. It will be the traveler's responsibility to pay the GTCC. FINCEN will notify the member via email when a GTCC payment was requested but cannot be made.

Should a travel claim cross the dates of 2/27-2/28/09, PPC Travel recommends the traveler not utilize the split disbursement function. Split disbursement will only make payments to Citibank at this time. If an overpayment to Citibank occurs, it will be the member's responsibility to coordinate with Citibank for a refund.

The Split Disbursement function will be re-enabled shortly after the transition to the JP Morgan Chase GTCC is complete.

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New URL for PPC

Published Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 11:00:15 CST

The Personnel Service Center was renamed on 13 February 2009 to the Pay & Personnel Center. We've changed the address of our internet and CGWEB sites to reflect our new name. The internet home page can now be found at http://www.uscg.mil/ppc. The CGWEB site's new address is http://cgweb.ppc.uscg.mil. Please update your favorites/bookmarks and help pass the word.

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Modernization Update

Published Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 11:15:15 CST

PPC Logo - a lighthouse, a sunflower and the Topeka skyline in the backgroundOn February 13, 2009, the current Personnel Service Center in Topeka, Kansas will be renamed the Coast Guard Pay and Personnel Center. This name change will precede the March 16, 2009 stand up of the mission support organization's Personnel Service Center (PSC) in Arlington, Virginia. The new PSC will unify, within one service center, all Coast Guard personnel and human resource support currently provided by the Personnel Command, the Pay and Personnel Center, the Recruiting Command, as well as some functions currently carried out by Headquarters, the MLCs, and ISCs, including services such as housing, MWR, CGES, educational services, health and safety, and work-life. See 'Modernization Update: 27 JAN 09 - Early 2009 Milestones' for more information.

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Reissuance of the JPMorgan Chase (JPMC) Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC)

Published Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2009 09:15:05 CST

JPMC is reissuing the government travel card due to coding issues with the magnetic strip on the back of the initially issued cards. The new JPMC GTCC and pin will be mailed separately to the current address on file in the cardholders JPMC profile. Addresses for those cardholders whose initial JPMC GTCC was returned to the bank as being undeliverable have been updated to reflect the cardholders home or unit address.

All GTCC cardholders shall take the following actions:

  1. Immediately destroy, by cutting or shredding, your initially issued JPMC Visa travel card and pin.
  2. Immediately upon receipt, activate your new JPMC Visa GTCC.
  3. Continue to use your Citibank Mastercard GTCC thru February, 27, 2009.
  4. Commence using your new JPMC GTCC on February, 28, 2009.

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Local and TDY Mileage Rate Change

Published Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 11:15:05 CST
Effective 01 January 2009, the TDY mileage rate for a car decreases from $.585/mile to $.55/mile. Rates for travel by airplane and motorcycle also decreased. See JFTR/JTR Immediate Changes (CH 336) for more information at http://www.perdiem.osd.mil/regchgs.htm.
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PCS Mileage (MALT) Rate Change

Published Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 11:15:01 CST
Effective 1 January 2009, the MALT (monetary allowance in lieu of transportation) rate per authorized POC (privately owed conveyance) is $.24 per mile. This rate is effective for all PCS travel that commences on or after 1 January 2009 (i.e., the initial travel is started).
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Last Modified 3/11/2009