• 08/07/2009

    JEC HEARING: The Employment Situation: July 2009

    [Click "read more" to view a live webcast of the JEC hearing]

    Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney, Chair of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) will hold a hearing on the newly released employment figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The hearing entitled, “The Employment Situation: July 2009” on Friday, August 7, 2009 at 9:30 am in Dirksen Senate Office Building room 562. BLS commissioner Keith Hall will testify to recent developments in the labor market, as the JEC continues a series of hearings examining the causes and ongoing effects of the financial crisis and the economic downturn.

  • 08/06/2009

    New JEC Report Reveals Women Experiencing Double-Whammy Of Losing Health Insurance Coverage Due To Their Own Or Spouse’s Job Loss

    Today, Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney, Chair of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC), along with Rep. Elijah Cummings and Rep. Jim Moran released a JEC new report entitled, “Comprehensive Health Insurance Reform: An Essential Prescription for Women.” The report reveals that during the recession, women are experiencing a double-whammy of lost health insurance as they lose their insurance due to either their own or their spouse’s job loss. In addition, the JEC report chronicles the vulnerability created by women’s dependence on their spouse’s employer-sponsored health insurance, the unique risk of un-insurance for younger and older women, and the spike in newly uninsured children of unemployed single mothers.

  • 07/31/2009

    Rep. Maloney Statement on Promising GDP Numbers

    Washington D.C. – Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney, Chair of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) released the following statement on the news that Gross Domestic Product beat expectations in the second quarter by contracting by just one percent.

    "The economy made a dramatic improvement in the second quarter, bolstered by the stimulus package proposed by President Obama and passed by Democrats in Congress in February. As the recovery measures begin to take hold, I am optimistic that economic growth will turn positive this year, which is a necessary step for bringing job growth back and putting Americans back to work."

  • 07/28/2009

    JEC HEARING: Current Trends in Foreclosures and What More Can Be Done to Prevent Them

    [A recorded webcast of the JEC hearing as well as a copy of the GAO report are available by clicking "read more"]

    Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney, Chair of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) convened a hearing to investigate the ongoing foreclosures for non-prime borrowers in the residential housing market. The hearing entitled, “Current Trends in Foreclosures and What More Can Be Done to Prevent Them,” took place on Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. At the request of Chair Maloney, the Government Accountability Office reported on previously undisclosed loan-level data, revealing current trends in the non-prime foreclosure crisis which continues to wreck havoc across the country. In addition, the Committee reviewed past federal regulatory failures and discuss efforts by the current Administration and Congress to reduce foreclosure rates, direct some of those borrowers into fixed rate FHA loans, and efforts to prevent a similar future crisis.

Joint Economic Committee