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Identity Theft Information

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Welcome to the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs identity theft information webpage. ID Theft doesn’t have to be inevitable. There are things that you can do to reduce the chances that you become a victim and to minimize the damage should it happen to you. Also, in May 2006, Governor Linda Lingle approved legislation which will provide increased protection to consumers and stronger tools for law enforcement. Click on the links to the right for more information.

Identity theft is a serious crime. It’s happening more and more frequently around the world, across the nation, and here in Hawaii. It’s not a mere inconvenience. People whose identities have been stolen can spend months or years – and their hard-earned money – cleaning up the mess thieves have made of their good name and credit record. In the meantime, victims may lose job opportunities, refused loans, education, housing or cars, or even get arrested for crimes they didn’t commit.

Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal information such as your name, Social Security number, credit card number or other identifying information, without your permission, to commit fraud or other crimes.

Identity theft not only affects individuals, but also businesses, in how they protect their customers and their livelihood from identity thieves.  If you’re a business owner and would like more information on how the new identity theft laws will affect your business, click here.

Page last modified 08-09-2006 12:11 PM