U S National Institutes of Health John E Fogarty International Center Home Page

Research Grants

Please note: e-applications containing foreign subawards must list a DUNS number for the foreign institution. Otherwise, the computer system will not accept the application. Here is where to get a DUNS number. You will find newly released instructions for foreign institution e-registration at http://era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceipt/preparing_grantsgov_reg.htm


Recovery Act: NIH Challenge Grants—Fogarty Areas

As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) (H.R. 1, S. 1 - PDF-1MB), NIH has received $10 billion to be used in Fiscal Years 2009 and 2010, $100-200 million of which is designated for a new initiative called the NIH Challenge Grants in Health and Science Research. (RFA-0D-09-002).
Fogarty Areas

Brain Disorders in the Developing World: Research Across the Lifespan (BRAIN)

This program supports collaborative research and capacity building projects on brain disorders throughout life, relevant to low- and middle-income nations. Funded projects focus on neurological disorders and function (including sensory, motor, cognitive and behavioral) and the impairment they lead to throughout life. R21 grants provide support to conduct pilot studies and to organize, plan for, prepare, and assemble an application for a more comprehensive R01 grants. R01 awards involve substantial collaboration between developed and developing country investigators and incorporate both research and capacity building.

Ecology of Infectious Diseases (EID)

This program funds interdisciplinary research projects that strive to elucidate the underlying ecological and biological mechanisms that govern the relationships, environmental changes, and the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases. The focus of this program is on the development of predictive models for the emergence and transmission of diseases in humans and other animals, and ultimately to facilitate the development of strategies to prevent or control them.

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), as the funding agency, provides three types of scientific collaboration fellowships using the NIH as a nominating authority. One type of Fellowship Program allows Japanese Biomedical and Behavioral Scientists to conduct research at NIH. The other two types allow U.S. (and permanent resident) scientists to conduct cooperative research under their host researchers in Japan.

Fogarty International Research Collaboration Award (FIRCA)

This program provides funds ($50,000/year direct costs) to foster international research partnerships between NIH-supported scientists and their collaborators in countries of the developing world. The FIRCA program aims to benefit the research interests of both collaborators while increasing research capacity at the foreign site. Scientists who have an eligible NIH grant may apply as Principal Investigators. Former FIRCA foreign collaborators may also apply as Principal Investigators. All areas of biomedical, behavioral and social science research supported by NIH are eligible FIRCA research topics.

Global Research Initiative Program for New Foreign Investigators (GRIP)

This initiative promotes productive re-entry of NIH-trained foreign investigators into their home countries as part of a program to enhance the scientific research infrastructure in developing countries, to stimulate research on high priority health-related issues in these countries, and to advance NIH efforts to address health issues of global import. The GRIP provides partial salaries to the foreign researcher returning home and support for research projects. To make the review of this program more robust, we have divided the program into two components: Behavioral and Social Science; and Basic Science. Both programs have a September receipt date each year. You should carefully choose among these two areas when applying and follow the appropriate announcement to maximize appropriate review.

Please complete and return the Eligibility Form [Word document] prior to application.

International Cooperative Biodiversity Groups (ICBG)

This program integrates drug discovery from natural products with conservation of biodiversity and scientific and economic development in host countries. The program is jointly funded by the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the Foreign Agriculture Service of the USDA. There are currently seven active projects.

International Tobacco and Health Research and Capacity Building Program

This program encourages transdisciplinary approaches to the international tobacco epidemic to reduce the global burden of tobacco related illness. The program is designed to promote international cooperation between investigators in the U.S. and other high-income nation(s) pursuing research programs on tobacco control, and scientists and institutions in low- and middle-income nation(s), where tobacco consumption is a current or anticipated public health urgency.

Stigma and Global Health Research Program

The purpose of this program is to stimulate interdisciplinary, investigator-initiated research on the role of stigma in health, and on how to intervene to prevent or mitigate its negative effects on the health and welfare of individuals, groups and societies world-wide.

Updated November 2007

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Fogarty International Center
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