U S National Institutes of Health John E Fogarty International Center Home Page
About Fogarty

Division of International Science Policy, Planning and Evaluation (DISPPE)

The Division of International Science Policy, Planning and Evaluation (DISPPE) provides strategic information and guidance to the Fogarty Director regarding the planning and evaluation of programs at the Center. The division advises Fogarty and its Director on matters of international science policy, legislation and partnerships. DISPPE tracks activities of international funding agencies and research trends in global health.

Director: Karen Hofman, M.D.
Dr. Hofman is currently working in South Africa
Acting Director: Linda Kupfer, Ph.D.
Advisor, Public-Private Partnerships and Legislative Affairs: Nalini Anand, J.D.
Science Policy Analyst: Ramkripa Raghavan, M.Sc., M.P.H. (Contractor)
Program Analyst: Milagros Ruiz, B.A.
Evaluation Officer: Rachel Sturke, Ph.D., M.P.H., M.I.A. (Contractor)
Bioethicist: Joseph Millum, Ph.D.
Policy Analyst: Sejal Mistry, M.H.S., M.A.
Investigator Emeritus: Richard Krause, M.D.

Other Useful Information

Fogarty International Center's Strategic Plan 2008-2012

The Fogarty International Center enters its fifth decade with a strategic plan, Pathways to Global Health Research.

Disease Control Priorities Project

The Disease Control Priorities Project (DCPP) is an ongoing effort to assess disease control priorities and produce evidence-based analysis and resource materials to inform health policymaking in developing countries.

Evaluation of Fogarty Programs

DISPPE designs, structures and implements program assessments across Fogarty. DISPPE has developed a Framework for Evaluation, and has completed evaluations of a variety of Fogarty programs.

International Bioethics

Fogarty supports the development of sound international bioethics policy and global ethical review capacity. It is a co-founder and funder of the Global Forum on Bioethics in Research, which provides a unique platform for stakeholders in health research in the developing world to engage in dialogue about their ethical concerns. It also provides research training grants to help domestic and foreign institutions to develop training programs in bioethics related to performing research in developing countries. View more information from NIH about ethical issues arising in international research.

The 2009 edition of the International Compilation of Human Subject Protections [PDF 1.3 MB] lists about 1,100 laws, regulations, and guidelines on human subject protections from 92 countries. This year’s compilation includes listings from 7 new countries: Burma, Egypt, the Gambia, San Marino, South Korea, the Sudan, and Vietnam.

Public Private Partnerships

The DISPPE plays a key role in developing >Public Private Partnerships (PPP) as a means for Fogarty to accomplish its public health mission through the development of synergistic relationships with outside entities. More information about Public Private Partnerships at the NIH.

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Fogarty International Center
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