Trademarks Gateway

Trademarks are distinctive signs, used to differentiate between identical or similar goods and services offered by different producers or services providers. Trademarks are a type of industrial property, protected by intellectual property rights. 

WIPO works with Member States to develop international laws and standards for trademarks. See Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT).

The WIPO-administered Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks offers a route to trademark protection in multiple countries by filing a single application.

To search international trademark registrations, see the Madrid Express and ROMARIN databases.


WIPO is not in a position to offer legal advice to individuals or businesses on specific questions. You may wish to consult your national IP office, an IP agent, or the relevant national or regional legislation (CLEA).



Trademarks Gateway

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