
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Monday, August 24, 2009

Arctic Awareness Observations -- Mr. Jay Reich, Department of Commerce

Guest post by Mr. Jay Reich (pictured in blue hat), Deputy Chief of Staff for the Department of Commerce.

Much has been written about the stresses of Arctic life based on climatic and weather extremes and physical isolation. We also know of the inherent tensions between the exploitation of the rich mineral and oil/gas deposits in the Arctic and the natural ecosystems and indigenous populations of this region who have relied on wildlife for subsistence. These stresses and tensions are exacerbated by climate change.

Our Coast Guard sponsored trip to Alaska to observe this phenomenon and to listen to those affected brought this home. It also raised significant policy questions about how we can as a nation respond to these challenges.

There is enormous uncertainty as to the scope and speed with which the climate is changing, what the affects of such change will be on the ecosystems of the Arctic and what strategies provide the greatest likelihood of successful adaptation. The melting of polar ice increases ocean swells and the erosion of the seacoast. The expansion of navigable waters is likely to increase shipping, access to mineral and oil reserves and competition with other nations. The warming oceans will change fish migration patterns if not the survivability of some species. The cost of protecting the environment and sustaining the existence of isolated coastal villages is enormous if not prohibitive. The responsibility for dealing with these complex and overlapping issues involves various departments of both state and federal government and particularly affects native peoples and a wide range of industries and interest groups. In short, we face a complex problem and the need for better understanding, a coherent approach, a coordinated response and the resources to implement adaptive strategies.

Surrounding the extraordinary beauty and vastness of the Arctic, are a host of issues that require immediate attention. They also require the patience to make informed decisions of lasting importance based on science, cultural sensitivity and national policy.


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Last Modified 8/25/2009