

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Welcome to the OTT FOIA Web page. The FOIA, 5 U.S.C. 552, provides individuals with a right to access records in the possession of the Federal Government.

Guide to Submitting a FOIA Request

Before submitting a request under FOIA, please ensure that the information you are seeking is information that is or may be held by OTT. Furthermore, the information should not already be in the public domain. A search of the OTT Web site can assist you in locating information and lists of available documents/publications.

If the information you are requesting is not in the public domain, please follow these steps when preparing your FOIA request:

  • Prepare your request on letterhead stationery if you are requesting the information on behalf of an organization.
  • Identify the records requested (be specific, i.e., give as much information about the records as possible).
  • State that the records are requested under the FOIA.
  • Include your daytime telephone number in case additional information is needed before answering your request.
  • Mail or fax the request to the OTT FOIA Coordinator.

Overview of FOIA

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552, provides individuals with a right to access records in the possession of the Federal Government. The government may withhold information pursuant to the nine exemptions and three exclusions contained in the Act.

For more information on FOIA, please go to the NIH FOIA Web site.

Contact the OTT FOIA Coordinator for further information.

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