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Disaster Assistance during Pandemic Diseases

As a result of the activities being taken to plan a government-wide response to a potential outbreak of pandemic disease, FNS has issued a memo concerning the Operation of Child Nutrition Programs during a Pandemic.

The Child Nutrition Programs are designed to support institutional feeding operations.  The authorizing statutes assume that programs will operate in a congregate setting, whether in schools or child care facilities.  During the outbreak of pandemic disease, public health officials anticipate the need for “social distancing” as a means of minimizing the spread of illness by limiting person-to-person contact.  Thus, when social distancing measures are in effect, schools and other facilities may be closed, and operation of the Child Nutrition Programs will probably not be possible.

This memo provides general guidance about possible waivers to Program requirements and potential usage of the School facilities and equipment.

Examples of assistance: Hurricanes Katrina & Rita

FNS Disaster Assistance


Last modified: 03/06/2008