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Examples of CN Disaster Assistance during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

To ensure continuation of benefits to participants during times of natural or other disasters, FNS has issued policy to simplify the administrative requirements to oversee these programs on a case-by-case basis.  Some examples of interim policies during disasters such as hurricanes Katrina and Rita were:

  • In areas where there were significant numbers of persons displaced by a disaster, the SA approved sites to serve at-risk after school snacks without regard to the requirement to provide “enrichment or educational” activities. 

  • In areas where a disaster disrupted the normal availability of foods and it is not possible to follow the meal pattern, SAs allowed appropriate flexibility to sponsors and sites in meeting the meal pattern requirements. 

  • All reimbursable school meals served by a school food authority to a student that was displaced or otherwise severely affected by a natural disaster were claimed for free meal reimbursement.

Policy Memos for Hurricane Katrina Relief

School Meals


Summer Food Service Program

Child and Adult Care Food Program


Policy Memos for Hurricane Rita Relief

School Meals


Child and Adult Care Food Program


FNS Disaster Assistance


Last modified: 03/06/2008