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Environmental Documents: Miscellaneous

EA/EIS | Biological Assessments/Opinions | Resource Management Plans | Studies | Miscellaneous




Bull Trout Reports

Ecologically-Based Systems Management Report  
Instream Flow Assessment, Big Eightmile Creek, Bohannon Creek, and Hayden Creek, Idaho  
Instream Flow Assessment, Big Timber, Idaho  
Lake Cascade Campground Proposal  
Million Acre Feet Impact Analysis (covers all of the PN Region)  



Deschutes River Watershed Restoration

Oxbow Site Management Plan  


Tributary Habitat Program  
Lower Stokes Fish Passage Improvement Project  
Upper Stokes Fish Passage Improvement Project  
Ground Motion Evaluation for Jackson Lake Dam
Jackson Lake Dam Seismic Risk Analysis (300 kb PDF)
April 21, 2009